Long story short I’ve been married to my husband for 2 years together for 8 years we have a 2 year old son together. Dating phase was great until we got married I began to see his true colors. The person I fell in love with back then is now someone I don’t even know now. I feel like I am living with a complete stranger and it hurts. My question is if it’s worth sticking around or leaving him for someone who deserves me? I do so much for him and our family I don’t feel valued. Plus I go through a lot of mental break downs at work I wish I can communicate to him but he seem to not care at all. I cry at night and he don’t even notices, ether I’m hurt or need some one to vent to. He is also not very affectionate which kills me. All I’m saying it’d be nice to get back to how it was during the dating phase yet again I question everything now because I saw the the red flags but gave him the benefit of a doubt. My mind mentally checked out when we moved in together. I think I should leave I deserve better then someone who act like I do not exist. . . .

1 comment
  1. That’s a tough one to deal with, especially having a child in the situation. Does he show any care or comfort towards the child? Have you also talked to him about what’s going on and how you feel?

    Honestly though, if you are unhappy and he is cold toward you then there is no reason to stay. You aren’t getting the emotional support that you need. If you have talked to him and he’s still doing this, then it’s time for you to move on.

    If he doesn’t care, it would be better for you and the child in the long run if you leave. Your child wont see mom and dad always fighting and unhappy. Won’t learn bad social ideals on how love is supposed to be (children develope thinking and reasoning on learned behavior from observation). You wont be stressed and feel emotuonally distraught all the time (better for temporary sadness than long term emotional pain).

    Most of all though, talk to him first. Probably wont do any good, but at least you can say you have made an attempt to ensure a healthy marriage. If it doesn’t work, it will never work.

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