I’m a currently a sophomore at a large state university and rush season is coming up. I’ve been struggling a bit socially and having a hard time developing friendships due to being somewhat socially awkward, but I’m not completely socially inept. Would rushing help me become more assertive and outgoing, as well as help me develop deeper friendships and learn how to get better at talking to girls?

  1. Don’t join a frat. Join a couple clubs that involve your interest/hobbies instead. Maybe do some volunteer work.

  2. It might help. Depends which frat. Some are more depraved and debauched than others, and although fun, that’s not a good way to be. You will adopt the habits of the frat you join (how can you not?). You will become more assertive but it might not be in a good way. Once you graduate, you will have to take that assertiveness and modify it into a more productive form.

    But what do I know? Rush, try it out and see how it goes. Maybe it’ll agree with you. Maybe you’ll
    Find what you’re looking for. There’s something to be said for Trial by Fire. Besides, not all frat guys are Frat Guys after all. For the love of god, just don’t rush TKE 😉

  3. Don’t listen to these redditors stuck in a basement. It helped me out a lot and would highly recommend

  4. Sure, but it’s expensive. I personally am glad I didn’t join a frat and made friends naturally. Some of them turned out to be in fraternities so I still got to go to a lot of social events for free and never was obligated to do all the random bs that they were.

    As another commenter said your best bet is to join clubs and meet people that are interested in the same things you are

  5. do it. I joined a fraternity second semester freshman year partly for this reason. While I still am very awkward and struggle to talk to girls, it has improved. And, now i have a group of guys trying to help improve me in this area. Plenty of the guys will try to pull me into their convos with girls because they know i struggle. Just make sure you join one with the right people.

  6. I wish I joined a frat when I went to college. That being said it’s not for everyone, and if you don’t really enjoy the atmosphere and you are only doing it to brute force social skills, there are cheaper and overall better ways to do so. But also keep in mind you need some type of social skills to get a bid for a frat

  7. It’s worth looking for a group that has people in majors like yours. The seniors and recent grads will have some valuable advice.

    Obviously, avoid any group that has a high pressure pledge process, or who’s into insult comedy or heavy partying.

    If their recruitment approach is mellow, and many members are in steady relationships with smart people their age, that’s a good sign.

  8. Honestly as a 25 ye old who regrets not taking advantage of social oop in college I say go for it! Try it out. If it does great ! If it doesn’t help out then join an organization, go to a party solo and see who you meet, practice socializing at bars etc.

    You’ll never know if you don’t try !!

  9. Do you want to invest more than half of your free time, money, and alter your reputation, all to cohabitate with “friends” you’ll be tied to for life for the “social benefits”?

    If not, you can get the same benefits with literally any other of the multitude of clubs colleges offer.

    In my experience, even most of the quirky, nerdy, “non traditional” frats are FOMO smoke and mirror factories that will haze you and charge you for the pleasure. I had a few friends join those and they looked exhausted and unhappy except for when they were “on duty” at parties to hype up more recruits.

    Please be careful OP, if you are in here in this sub with us, I imagine you’d be susceptible to the tactics these types of groups (not just greek life, but any club with member fees for a “social” benefit”) use to get you to join. Specifically FOMO and love bombing.

    Could there be good frats out there? Sure. All I’ve ever seen is the same shit pretending to be different from the rest. For real, please take care OP.

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