I’m not talking like the next day, or a week or two later. I mean years down the line.

Have you ever broken up with someone and consider it a mistake long after the fact?

If so, how have you dealt with that feeling and how does it affect your current relationship?

  1. I didn’t necessarily regret breaking up, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want and try to get back together a couple years later. It has no bearing on my current relationship, because it happened years ago. Thank God it didn’t work out, or I may not have had the opportunity to meet my wife.

  2. I could be an idiot in my 20s and my opinions were very black and white and sometimes stupid. Did I screw a relationship up by being unreasonable? I can admit that I absolutely did. But I’ve learned from my mistakes and I’m not that same person anymore. So yeah, I have regrets but I don’t beat myself up about them.

  3. I broke up with a girl and for several years regretted it.

    Now, 30 years later and I know for certain that I made the right decision in breaking up with her.

    One unexpected bonus is I can go to Facebook and see what a dumpster fire disaster her life is. It was a moment of clarity that I broke up with her and the years after when I pinned for her I was just blinded by romance and lust. She burned brighter than most in this world, but burned herself right out. Thank god I can watch it from afar and am not caught up in it every day.

  4. Not me but my girlfriend broke up with my over Xmas. After 3 weeks she texted me telling me she felt she had made a mistake and wanted a chance to apologise. I went over and we talked through everything. We got back together and she took full ownership of her mistake. I made efforts to be better in certain ways too. We’ve been back together for 8 months now and it’s been amazing. I’m pretty sure we are going to last a long time now. We have open communication about our feelings and worries which we never did before. When things come up we sort them out. No more stewing over perceived slights or annoyance. I know this is a shorter period than you mean but it did happen to me.

  5. More like regretted not pursuing some ONS I had. I think 3-4 had serious potential but I was worried about being tied down.

  6. No, the more time passed the more I’ve seen it was the right decision to make. I more regret the time I spent with them (years of my 20s) that theoretically blocked me from meeting and spending time with another person who may have actually been right for me and I could still be in a relationship with today.

    But even this is a silly way to think. I’ve learned what I know now about what I need in a relationship and what makes me feel loved from being in those relationships where It didn’t feel like what I wanted a relationship to be like, and I didn’t feel loved in the way I now understand love means to me.

  7. I have. However, can I say this. At the time we were not right for each other but we were decades later. But that’s life. I’m happy now and so is she and that’s what makes me comfortable with where I am at.

    Only thing I miss is the exciting sex. No inhibitions. Whereas my life now is bland. At best!

  8. No. I’ve broken up with someone I still loved, and it sucked, but it was still the right thing to do

  9. Nope. I did marriage counseling with my second ex after he ahd gotten sober. Unfortunately by the time I gave him an ultimatum and he went to rehab I realized I was just done with him. We gave it a go, because you shouldn’t make any life changing decisions within that first year of sobriety. Our cousnelor was an asshole and totally took my now ex’s side.

    Je tried to tell me that if we divorced our child would en up depressed and suicidal and probably an addict and he also told me i would regret it. I can honestly say after 4 years that I have zero regrets and I’m pretty sure that will never change. My first ex I had zero regrets either. Counselor said that married people live longer and are happier. Well I’m pretty sure I’m much happier now and therefore I will live longer. In fact I’m surprised at how much I hate my ex’s gut. I never thought I could hate him but here I am.

  10. No, actually. Ever single person I have ever broken up with was long overdue for the breaking up

  11. Yes. Id gotten out of a bad relationship finally, and started to see a couple of girls. When the time came to be exclusive I chose one. We dated for about a year and then she moved back to her hometown and that was it. Found out years later she’d cheated on me several times, and looking back she wasn’t that good to me either. Always think that I made the wrong choice, but it’s too late to change it now. She’s moved on I assume, and I’m a different person too.

  12. I broke up with my first love in my late 20s. I wasn’t ready to take the next step of marriage, kids etc. I went on with my life and would think about her every now and then. I’ve now been with my wife for about 6 years and since we’ve been together I have dreams about her all the time. I love my wife but for some reason my ex haunts my dreams.

  13. No. The longer I’m removed from those relationships the more I regret not leaving earlier.

  14. As the years have pasted I realized that I didn’t actually miss them or my relationship but the version of me I was when is was in that time of my life.

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