A moment of thought at night—-
These days I am thinking about how to fix some of my bad habits. One thing I realized is that I often push people away. This one girl in my class is very friendly to everyone. She can easily talk to everyone. She often do casual talk to the teachers. I am jealous of her. One side, I think I have an major influence from my mom. She usually reject social events. I have no one I can say that she/he is my best friend. Side note, I have a very high expectations of people. It’s bad I know. The reason why I pushed eliminate people from my life is because of my mental health. Pls teach me how to stop pushing people away because at the end of the day, I feel like if I keep doing that, I won’t have anyone by my side.
(Sorry for my bad English if there’s any language errors)

  1. Your English is just fine, u/Belynne_7!

    Are there any local or online support groups for your mental health diagnosis? Maybe a support group could help you practice getting comfortable around a variety of people who function at different levels.

  2. It’s huge that you have realized that you do this and want to learn another way. You’ve done a very brave thing in acknowledging this, and you can change it.

    I second all of LorieJCall’s suggestions.

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