Tl;dr: My boyfriend is upset the house isn’t clean and continually blamed it on me. As a result, he ignores me and refuses to speak to me.

My boyfriend (28m) and I (29f) live together and have been together since January. The relationship moved quickly and we’ve lived together for almost six months. He has a tendency to get mad when our house isn’t clean. He seems to also feel that it’s my fault primarily. The first time he brought it up, he felt like I hadn’t been doing my fair share after I had a bad knee injury (tore my mcl) and was having trouble even walking, never mind doing chores. When I brought up the injury and, subsequently, pushed myself too far physically trying to do extra chores, he seemed to drop the issue. Im a teacher and, now that it’s summer break, the issue has arisen again. He seems to think that I should be spending more of my day doing chores, even though I’m still out of the house quite a bit with errands and appointments. I am also the only one who does our laundry. Right now, he’s upset because our dining room is messy. It holds my teaching stuff at the moment, which is being moved to my new classroom over the next week. I’m also still in the process of moving in, so some boxes are around. He did not help me move at all. He is currently not speaking to me because he’s upset about the house not being clean. He threw it in my face and told me that it was the same issue over and over. We were both home today and he didn’t clean a thing. I’m just not sure how to handle it going forward. I love him dearly and otherwise think he’s the one, but this issue and how he handles it is making me really upset. I’d appreciate any advice.

  1. My advice would be to move out.

    Pouting, silent treatment anger boy is a hard pass. Your bf is an asshole, emotionally immature, and has significant anger management issues. You moved in with someone you didn’t know and this behavior is a tip of the iceberg type of behavior. This guy is 100% going to get worse over time.

    Also, didn’t help you move in?

    How the fuck is this guy “the one”?

    I think you should reflect on why you’re okay settling for being treated like this by this asshole.

  2. Lots of red flags here, you should make your exit as quickly as you moved in. Youve only been in this relationship a short time and it sounds like he’s not worth it

  3. Stop wasting your time and potentially your life with this loser. Move out and move on with your life.

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