I(F30) have been with my dude (M30) for 9 years and it hasn’t been the easiest but I stuck around because I loved him and we’ve been friends since we were 12. I’ve done a lot for this man. From helping him through school to helping him when he broke his back. I’ve worked multiple jobs while he didn’t work for years. I gave him a home. I gave him everything in me and he cheats. And it wasn’t just one woman, it was about 7 other women. It’s 5am here and he just kicked me out of the apartment we shared because I confronted him after I found what he was doing. I moved 20 hours away from my home so I can be with him since he got a job he went to school for. He told me he was gonna marry me but I honestly feel like he just dragged me along because he was lonely. Now I’m homeless and have no money. I’m lost and broken. I just need someone to talk to. Please.

  1. I am so, so very sorry this happened. Is there anyone back home that can help you get back there?

    Is there anywhere you can go? A women’s shelter? A cheap hotel? Can you call a crisis line?

    If you are in the US, text 741741. If you aren’t in the US, google crisis line and the country you’re in. Google women’s shelters.

    Is your name on the lease? He can’t kick you out of an apartment if your name is on the lease. He can make it really uncomfortable for you, but at least you’ll have a place to stay.

    And of course you thought you’d be together – you were together for years. I know when something similar happened to me, I felt stupid. Please don’t feel that way. This isn’t your fault.

  2. If you can move home, go home.
    Any extended family? You just need a place to breathe and the rest will follow.

    Your patents would want to know. They wound f as t you go hurt alone and feel lost. Please talk to them.

    I’m sorry he did this, it’s awful and painful.
    You’ll look back when the fog clears and you’ll be glad you left.

  3. Cheaters are the worst, I am so sorry you are feeling the pain of that betrayal. Sounds like you have family you can go stay with?
    Do it if possible.
    Thats what family is for.

  4. Time to be free and live for your own happiness, instead of his. It’s terrible that you found out what a selfish wanker he is, but you have found out now and can start putting that effort into your own happiness.

  5. You are 30 and still young. Life is ahead of you. It may not seem so now but after you’ve moved on, these 9 years would seem like a faraway irrelevant memory. Sending hugs

  6. Maybe you can find some sort of emergency accommodation to help you out for few days in your city to get your stuff back in the apartment and get back home. You can dm me if need be

  7. Hey OP, sorry to hear what is happening to you, it must be tough and lonely. He’s a piece of shit and he did not deserve anything from you. However, you seem like an independent woman who knows how to survive hardships, and you managed to support a man who did not deserve it through the years and built something for him. It’s time to do the same for you. Try to move back home if you can, don’t be afraid to start over. Allow yourself to grieve, to feel the anger and everything that comes with. It will not be easy but you’ll survive it. All that love and energy you had for him, it’s time to shift that on you, easier said than done, but it will be necessary. I hope I didn’t come off as too harsh, I truly hope this situation doesn’t last long and that things get better soon.

  8. You are way stronger than you think! It’s time to never look back and work on your life and on your goals. Show that fucker what you are capable of – go home, block that person out of your life, and take rest for tonight. Tomorrow, you are going to be beast and win this world.

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