For me, back in high school there was a girl who would always try to clarify what I said in class with “I think what he’s trying to say is…” As if i was some moron that only she could communicate with. She did it one time “I think what he is trying to-” I cut her off and looked at her and said “I can speak for myself and then continued to talk about what I was talking about. I got a few reactions in class and few people thought I was an asshole for it but whatever. She never did it again

  1. After I explain something 3 times. If you don’t get it then, you get the rude very blunt version

  2. Dude, your response to her wasn’t “Rude”, it was direct and appropriate. That’s not he same, and its the reason why so many of all genders have interpersonal difficulties, they see normal self expression as aggressive.

  3. When I was 18. One friend’s friend. For 1 hour talked how my ancestors deserved to die from starvation in camp. I ignored him, but shit got boring.

    I turned around and punched him with full force and broke his nose. Group was shocked because I never hit someone.

    I got in police station because he was minority (I wasnt aware of it). But, it all went fine.

    First and last time I hit someone. I regret my reaction, but its past now.

  4. When getting out of the subway train, I walk out of it and bump on whoever’s in my way.

  5. I interviewed with a company some time ago and they proceeded to ghost me hard. I was fine with it, job wasn’t what I wanted. Apparently they changed their mind and contacted me to see if I was still interested. Four years later.

    I, in a belligerent, yet professional manner told them what they did, how tremendously unprofessional it was, then to fuck off, then to keep fucking off, and never contact me again.

  6. I was shopping when a vegan protester came in and started defacing the knitting section whilst shouting how the yarn has been stolen from sheep. I was initially taken by this, but after I got pushed over, I became pissed off and told her;

    “This is synthetic yarn. There’s no wool in it. You fucking Cunt”

    She seemed rather taken back before leaving. She didn’t bother cleaning up the mess she made. I stayed back to give the shop workers a hand.

  7. Kid threatened to kill me and stalked a friend of mine. I shouted at him for 5 minutes. Said some very not nice things. Scared him so much that if I so much as looked at him he stopped whatever he was doing and avoided eye contact.

    My school gave him one day of ISS for that. I treated him like shit for the remainder of the time we were in school together (3 years). This incident also taught me that public school systems in the US need serious help.

    You dont fuck with me or people I care about. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  8. When someone at bus stop , made some comments on a gay guy. He was just about to cry and no one said anything . I had to go there and told that person to fuck off and also told him that I am going to report to a police for a hate crime if he doesn’t stop . And told everyone at bus stop that people should be shame for themselves to not stand up for him and they are as bad as each other.
    One day it will happen to you and no one will stand up just like what you all did.
    Then I walked with that gay guy to the next bus stop.

  9. i harassed a religious nut that was really going to town on some gay people saying some really nasty shit on campus. sadly before recording shit was a huge thing. but god damn he was all over the place dropping every kind of slur he could think of. when i came in he was calling a (presumably) gay black student “faggot ass N*****”

    my friend and i were watching him for a while and i walked up behind him and i kissed my guy friend and roped the pastor dude in for a hug and kissed his face. he punched me a little to get away as i was like “oh no, you’re a faggot now preacher man. guess you’re gonna burn like the rest of us.” i managed to get a little ass slap in and said something like “ooo bring that ass over here big boy.”

    for that reason i’m kinda thankful recording wasn’t a thing then but i stand by it.

    he started rambling a bunch of bible verses through his megaphone after that and some people he had been harassing before started heckling him like “one of us!” or “take it off! take it all off!”

  10. I was at Walgreens to pick up my prescription and had my 2 year old daughter and 1 year old son with me. He has the skin tone of his Mother (who’s white). I’m biracial (My Dad is white and my biological Mother who is not in my life is Vietnamese and I got my skin tone from her. ) This lady came up to me, she was about 40-50 and demanded to know why I was “kidnapping” a white child. The conversation went like this:

    Her: That is NOT your child. Why are you kidnapping a baby?!

    Me: This is my child. His Mother is white and got his skin tone from his Mother.

    Her: That is NOT true. That is not your child. He is white. Give me the child or I will call the cops.

    Me: *losing my temper* No! Are you crazy?! I’m not giving you my child just because you don’t believe he’s mine, you son of a bitch! Fuck off!

    Her: Give him to me or I will call the cops! I will not let a poor baby be kidnapped and spend who knows how long with a criminal!

    I have not even broken the law once so I am absolutely NOT a criminal. This yelling attracted an employee and the Karen ended up getting kicked out.

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