I’m just wondering if this happens to anybody or else or if there is some sort of explanation for whats going on. I (23M) have been very sexually active with my girlfriend for about a year and a half now. We will have sex at least once or more a day but lately I’ve noticed a pattern that I don’t really understand.

For about 3-6 weeks at a time I will go through 2 phases, the first phase is me being able to last for at least 30 minutes before really wanting/needing to cum, and when I’m really feeling it I can pretty much just control whenever I want to cum so its at the right moment. The 2nd phase is one I’m in right now where I feel like I have absolutely no control over when I’m cumming. I’ll cum over light rubbing through my pants or literally after 1 stroke and it feels like theres nothing I can do to stop it?
Being in this phase makes sex feel lame because I’m more sensitive and scared to accidentally cum and the strategy of cumming once before we start anything doesn’t help either. I also usually have the same mindset so I dont think its that either.
Any suggestions or clarity would be cool thank you.

  1. I do the same thing man and idk why. I can literally last for like an hour for months at a time and then will randomly not be able to last longer than 30 secs for an extended period. It’s a cruel cycle

  2. Get your testosterone, e2 (estrogen), and prolactin checked. Diet can effect it all too, Soy is is so many things now and can delay orgasm or make you go soft. Too much insulin can delay orgasm as well.

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