I’ve always felt like the odd one out. I don’t get happy about the things others do. I roll my eyes at the average pop song instead of finding it hummable. I feel better when it rains. I consider hate a subject to make friends from.

Ow the edge, I know. But for real, at some point I became an inverted person.

It’s as if my brain denies normalcy, and repulses everything I should relate to. I believe it is a form of defense mechanism to cope with being a lower tier person. This makes me very hard to relate to and makes communication difficult, because you won’t know it but 90% of the time I talk with you, I’m dreading every second of it.

Just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience.

  1. You’re not a lower teir person. You simply identify with a broader range of emotions than the average person. Most people irl try to focus on more tangible, less complex things. However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows, and the world is tragic and painful. If everyone were to stay in that “ignorance is bliss” head state, nothing would ever get fixed. This is where you’re an innovator, and it’s necessary for some of us to be capable of conceptualizing a more ideal world.

  2. I m not like you but i felt inverted too in the past and i thought thats an self defence mechanism too. And it was working though. I was able to express myself well, do whatever i want without any fear (of rejection – the reason i thought that mechanism exist. because i mostly dislike what others do, so i dont wanna join them).

    When i was in university some people told me that i was defending always the opposite idea anyone suggests. And ask me why do i do that ? And then i start to observe myself but i didnt think thats true basically. I didnt do anything intentional. Later when i started to work at some company, i quickly reliazed that some people start to dislike me. because i was questioning and decide that they were wrong everytime. Its not always i was saying they were wrong, it was like they have lots of things in common while i do not. What they like i found it lame. What i like they basically didnt interested. But later i changed the place i worked a couple of times. I can say that the current place i m in, i ve better relationship with people. They are more like me. I think i was just unlucky with people that basically make me felt not fit in. I still dont want to be like those people because i also disliked them too.

    To be honest, today i dont feel inverted at all.i will always defend what i thought is right. And i think i didnt fit in there becuase i was just better in quality. My background was kinda better, i was able to see the bigger picture that they probably will never able to see. I think they were a bunch of small minded people. I dont wanna be like them and i wont be.
    Maybe once you ll have a chance to change the people around you, you ll see that you are also not inverted.its just u re surrounded with people who re not just like you.

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