Has a person’s personality made their physical looks more or less attractive to you?

If an average looking person of any gender has a great personality, their personality would make their looks go to average to slightly above average. Before I became friends with this blonde guy in middle school, I thought he was ugly and I had no idea why girls liked him. After getting to know him better, I realized he has a great personality and it made me think his looks went from ugly to average. I only like him as a friend and I’d never fuck him in a million years. It’s probably because I’m not attracted to blondes. Ugly girls are still ugly to me and their personalities don’t change how I perceive them physically. A bad personality doesn’t make a girl look uglier to me, I’d fuck a hot girl with a terrible personality but I wouldn’t date her. A guy with a terrible personality is someone I want nothing to do with no matter physically attractive he is.

  1. A lot actually

    It really doesn’t matter how hot a girl is if I cant stand talking to her for 5 minutes and I don’t respect her as a person

  2. It doesn’t matter. Looks don’t change based on personality. If somebody is physically attractive, they are, and that physical attractiveness won’t change based on their personality or anything that is unrelated to their physical appearance. I despise the personalities of almost every girl I’ve ever hooked up with lol

  3. I had this, shall we say, less-than-average looking friend who was easily the most popular person I’ve ever met and the girls loved him.

  4. Not at all, but it has a huge effect on attraction, and 100% of the requirements for a relationship.

  5. It’s weird how it actually effects how you see that person. Like I’ve seen a woman across the room I thought was gorgeous, then talked to her and realized she’s a complete asshole, and within seconds I see her as way less attractive. Works the opposite way too.

  6. A bit like if someone I meet sort of looks like the type of person I might have had a negative experience with I sort of have that racked up in the back of my mind. I don’t put it into play unless I have to , but it’s really out of my hands if they pretty much walk into or faceplant into something that pushes me away. Like I try to make an effort to be friendly and decent with everyone but I pretty much drop the hammer when I need to.

  7. It doesn’t change their attractiveness, but it does change how much I want to be around them.

  8. You could be an absolute god/goddess but if you’re a jackass you immediately become a 2 at best. Conversely, a kind heart and sharp mind will make a 4 look like an 8

  9. Obviously looks are the initial thing but it is mostly the personality that matters to me the most.

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