When did you realize your friend wasn’t your friend?

  1. When every time he called me, he needed me to help him with something or do something for him. But anytime I needed his help or just call to hang/do something, “sorry man, I’ve got X, Y, and Z going on.” Curious how when I did the same to him, “sorry man,I’m busy,” he just quit calling and coming around. I was no more use to him so……

  2. Got pretty good at spotting real friends when I worked in the trades and was constantly doing work on the side for others. I would test them by asking them for a simple favour and if they continuously turned down favours for me and kept asking for work done, I charged them the full price I’d charge anyone on the side and stopped talking to them besides to take money from them lol. Then again when I quit drinking, I discovered how many of my so called friends were just drinking pals who didn’t want me to give up booze or better myself.

  3. When you’re the one who constantly has to message them to arrange plans or to go anywhere when you’ve always got time for them but they’ve never got time for you

  4. Started dating my ex pretty quick. He was also trying to be overly intimate with her in front of me, felt bad for her, she was very visibly uncomfortable lmao.

  5. When I realized they only came if I was in good times and avoided me if I had bad times. I would drop everything to help him and it was never a two way street. Not even mad about it either. I cherish the friendship we had and am appreciative of it, but I outgrew him and people like him.

    I am only friends with people who have my back the same that I have theirs.

  6. Is this a realize they want more/you want more situation or a damn hate their guts you ain’t good for me situation?

  7. When he didn’t try to meet/call or even check on me after my father died for almost a year. And he lives 200 meters away from me.

  8. When he started judging me for my faith. I’m Catholic and he was Pentecostal. We would talk openly about our faith and I’d treat him with respect when he talked about his. As soon as I’d start talking about mine he’d just get all judgmental and start saying how I’m wrong and stuff like that. I know religion is one of those topics you don’t discuss but c’mon saying that about someone’s beliefs is a total no go for me. Not to mention he judged me for drinking. I was 21 so legal in the US and I don’t drink excessively or anything but he would always call me an alcoholic when I’d have one beer around him.

  9. Real friends go months without talking and always reconnect with the same energy and emotional attachment. Fake friends get mad for it or try and use you.

  10. When they talk shit behind your back, it’s scary how you can’t trust people nowdays ;d

  11. When I found him with my girlfriend. Motherfucker was surprised it instantly ended out friendship.

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