28 yo woman here. Want to take out a guy I’m dating, and would love to do something that is not just dinner/beer. What type of date would blow your mind? Keep it realistic, of course haha! Edit: no sex either, like a date date.

  1. All depends on his hobbies. I love baseball so tickets to a Jays game would be amazing for my ideal mind-blowing date.

  2. Hmmmm, if a lady showed up with mushrooms and tickets to a lazer light show or IMAX experience at the observatory, I’d be swimmin in joy and excitement.

  3. Invite me for dinner in the catacombs of Paris or in the basement of Castel St. Angelo in the Vatican or any other place nobody would ever expect to have a high class (romantic) dinner and extraordinarly good red wine, and my mind is blown.

  4. Taking a guy to a R.C. Race track. or go Karting. Anything where you can talk a little shit to him in a NICE conpeptivie way

  5. Well, I’m 40. So personally I would like to be shocked by intelligence. True selfless knowledge.

    Wear what ever is comfortable for yourself.

    To be able to have a discussion with only kind observation

    I think 28 might be to young.

  6. Add Games(Arcade/Video) to your usual date idea. Men are simple creatures even the idea of woman asking us out makes our whole day

  7. It would have to be a “bro date” if it’s not romantic/sexual. Playing chess, Magic, video games or having a jam session would be great then.

  8. Uhmm…..I’d be blown away just by the fact that a girl planned the entire date for us 😂

  9. An architecture tour or history of the area tour (if you live somewhere interesting).

  10. Somewhere new to walk/hike with not too many people so it’s just semi quiet nature

  11. Hike and a picnic if he’s outdoorsy, museum if he’s arty/historically inclined, ball game if he’s sporty, author reading, tandem bike ride, something fun for Both of you. Pottery class… It depends on how your interests coincide. If you don’t know much about him yet, try something popular that you two can discuss after to see if you agree with popular opinion or not.

  12. Well, what’s realistic to one might not be realistic to another. But if you’re talking about spoiling him with a date that’s more about him than you or both of you…I think if it were me, being surprised with a day of one or a couple of activities that are in my interests would be cool. It’d make me know you listen to me and take time to remember the things I like or am passionate about, and even better – you want to share in some of those interests. I’d be swooning.

    Does he have any hobbies/interests/activities he’s mentioned that might translate well to a date? Bonus points if it’s not something he gets to do often.

  13. This is something that will vary a lot from person to person and location to location. Go to a sporting event, a driving range, go-karts, take a class together, etc.

  14. not a guy but my boyfriend was super into axe throwing and i took him to an arcade where he was the biggest kid there (in a good way).

  15. My favorite dates are outdoors. A hike and picnic with al fresco sex is great. Canoeing. A camping weekend.

  16. My favorite dates are outdoors. A hike and picnic with al fresco sex is great. Canoeing. A camping weekend.

  17. Go fishing with me. My gf does this a lot and they’re some of my favorite times together.

  18. Take him kickboxing / doing Muay Thai, regardless if you’ve never tried it or is actively training it.

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