I’ve been in my current relationship for close to 2 years now and when we first met I fell for her hard, she did the same to me. It was like that between us for a long while but the past couple of months I’ve been conflicted. While I know I still am definitely in love with her, I’m not sure if I want to be with her anymore. It’s incredibly hard to explain and reconcile how I’ve been feeling.

  1. Yeah. It’s rough knowing you’re not as compatible as you thought you once were. The “growing together” business is a lie. Bodies change. Hormones are released. Attitudes change about certain things. Lies start becoming more frequent and frustrating. Trust becomes fleeting.

    It’s sad, really. Knowing you love someone so much but you can’t be with them anymore because the chemicals in your head don’t think it’s a good idea.

  2. You have to move on, or else you will miss out on finding someone you want to start a life with.

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