What makes a man embrace wealth?

  1. Because over spending leads to debt. No one wants to waste their life working to pay off interest.

  2. I just can’t imagine it coming from anywhere else other than insecurities

    I don’t see anything to respect with the rat race people are engaged in

    People horde money like if they have enough of it they can keep death away

  3. You need money for everything. It is literally the most important thing in life. Id rather die than live a life of poverty so I work myself to death to get to where I need to be.

  4. I just can’t further state how much I hate the “hustle culture” of our world

    As someone who has been homeless to decently well off, there was no fucking differance.

    More cable channels and fancier meals, that’s what more money buys you

    I do not like the way the middle class and up act at all

    There world is suffocating plastic facade built on fake smiles and expectations no one can live up to

    There feeling of worth is built on feeling superior to others and excluding others

    I find it absolutely unethical that ANYONE can sit in a little fancy restaurant sipping overpriced coffee while i know children who ate from the dumpster

    Excess and greed defines their lives

    When living with my grandparents they had $500 dogs.

    One of these 500 dollar furballs was raised in kennel so she ate like a monster and would devour her own kids food if you didn’t watch her

    Every day you had to watch her eat to make sure she didn’t eat the other dogs food

    I hated her with the same hate I have for this pointless “grind” everyone is so obsessed with

    I guess it makes me feel better knowing that so many people are working their asses off for wealth but they will never even be able to afford a year at one of these rich schools some kids are practically born in.

    Everyone’s breaking their back for a nicer fuckin iphone, not even a mansion, just a slightly nicer phone


    Please forgive my dumb ranting. It’s just amazing how much it feels like all anyone cares about is money even though you really can’t buy shit with it that’s valuable.

    The words “modest” and “humble” mean nothing in a world where excess and greed is glorified

    Thank goodness people don’t treat food the same way they treat money or else wed have a huge obesity problem- oh wait nvm

  5. 1. Huge reduction in stress
    2. Not having to work if you dont want to.
    3. Ability to pursue interests or experiment in areas to see if they could be of interest.
    4. Having the freedom to explore the world.
    5. Ability to help friends and family if needed.

  6. Imagine if their was a homeless family sitting at a Lamborghini car dealership just watching the rich people buy cars

    Ya know they’re starving, they’re desperate, kids so hungry they’re eating dirt

    You see these rich people going to go buy the .million dollar cars as these poor families just sit and watch, drooling, crying, so cold

    What do you think would happen if when a rich person went to go buy a nice expensive car, homeless people watched them?

    What do you think would happen?

    I think the car dealership would call the police and have the poor people removed from the property so they won’t disturb the customers

  7. There is a point in life where you realize with all the hippie shit—-it comes down to things cost money. If you like things, you need to figure out how to make some and make some good choices to get there.

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