My girlfriend and I have been together for 1 year and 7 months. It’s been the greatest time of my life even during the bad. About 3-4 months ago she found that I had a dating app but for transgenders. I’m straight but I have no idea why or how I started to fantasize it. I wasn’t looking to meet up with these people rather to just fulfill my curiosity. I understand how this may crush her heart and for that I fucked up completely. I found out that the first 9 months of our relationship, she was in contact with her ex and she would tell him that she loves him and send him sexual memes that she would send to me and I also found out that there’s a sex tape of them on march 4th. 4 days after I asked her to be my girlfriend. Even after finding all of that out and I do find that cheating. I look past all of that cause I just want to be happy with her and I refuse to let it put me down. I know everybody can’t think this way but hey. For the past 3 months she’s been very pessimistic even in general like her job,life,relationship. Basically if it’s not perfect then it sucks attitude. I understand people need time to heal and life can be stressful but all she wants to do is lay there and do nothing. I wake up and try to start the day off great but her pessimistic views shut me down completely. I’ve been very optimistic but everyday her negativity effects me. I told her we need a break and to let me know if she’s completely over it or she’s willing to work on it. She’s the one and I know it. Im afraid me teller her we need a break is gonna lead her to leave me completely.

  1. man, both of you guys sound like you need some work, to be honest.

    It may be a good idea for you to take a break. Sounds like an incredibly weird situation.

  2. Dude, you’re willing to look past her infidelity because you’re on a dating app and either confused or ashamed of your sexuality…..and you’re trying to play all magnanimous about forgiving her to guilt her into forgiving you – or I’d not forgiving, pretending not to care.

    You’re some piece of work, man….

  3. If she was really ‘the one’ you wouldnt have downloaded the dating app.. Now she thinks she will never be enough because right now she understands you arent straight. (I know you SAY youre straight but you obviously arent, based on your actions/interests alone. Not saying there is anything wrong with that either.) Shes probably thinking the worst. Things like: are you going to leave her for one of the ppl from ur app, if she isnt attractive to you, are you cheating, is she being used as a cover, etc. Theres also the fact that she cheated on you early on in your relationship. You need to figure yourself out. Your sexuality and what you really want. Sounds like she needs to work on herself too.

  4. Holy crap if the greatest time of your life is being with someone who’s basically cheating on you most of the relationship, you really got to raise your standards.

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