Hey everyone, could use some advice. I’m a recently ex-Christian male, 22 years old. I had my first sexual experience a few days ago, with another man.

Met him on a dating app, so we didn’t know each other, just a hookup. And basically, I couldn’t get it up all the way, and even then not for very long. I thought he was super hot, really enjoyed the kissing and hugging, but I didn’t feel very aroused. I kind of dissociated when he was giving me oral and was just waiting for the experience to kind of just end. He tried really hard and went down on for a long time. There was a moment when I was thinking of bottoming for him but was too shy to ask, I mean it was my first time.

I’m wondering why I wasn’t aroused? I masturbated after the experience thinking of him. During the experience I suggested pulling up some porn because that gets me aroused but it didn’t work. Some more context that might help:

I was super stressed out all day leading up to it, couldn’t eat. Just nervous to meet him. Just had a little bit of breakfast and some water.

I have OCD and am a pretty intense over thinker.

I wouldn’t say he was boyfriend material, I understood pretty quickly this wasn’t someone I was going to want to see again, despite him being hot.

I’ve been doing a keto diet, with I think a 35% calorie deficit. Yesterday I stopped doing this as I’ve lost the weight I wanted to.

Wasn’t fully comfortable in general.

Essentially I’m wondering if my diet influenced my ability to get aroused, or if it was just stage fright, first timer nerves, or if I just don’t find sex that interesting and I’m somewhere on the asexual spectrum. Or maybe I need the emotional connection? Very much attracted to him physically. Just kind of a rough first experience. Anyways any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks.

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