So, one thing before began to say anything, I have very very light autism, just a bit more and I could enter into the spectrum completely. Saying just in case that could mean something.

Back to topic. Thing is that I don’t have problem to be with people and talk for a bit and so on. Yet, sometimes for it feels so…tedious or I don’t have the desires to say something and I’d prefer to just communicate thelepatically so I wouldn’t have to open my mouth. Or also, time to time, if I’m speaking for over 30/45 minutes with a person, I get extremely tired and I’d prefer to just relax and don’t talk anymore for the rest of the day.

I don’t know if this is something that may reassemble with my spectrum or that I’m lazy. Yet, I discarded the fact of being lazy because I’m not, I do things that have to be done and exercise and everything. So I was just thinking that, even if I enjoy being with people time to time and speak with them and even prefer to just text with them all day long, I was having a kind of problem with either social skills, practice or something…I’d really like to know what’s wrong with me.

1 comment
  1. I completely relate to this. I’m on the spectrum, but as an actual (probably terrible) therapist said “barely”.
    I really have this desire for relationships with people, but when it comes to actually maintaining that, I just don’t have the energy. I’ve always felt bad at conversation, like it’s too much effort, or just too hard. I also have anxiety and adhd and with medications it’s entirely better, but comes with side effects that are not worth it IMO. Wish I had advice, sorry for the rant on your post. I just feel u

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