Hello everyone,

Tldr at bottom


20 years ago I unfortunately suffered an injury which lead to a… I’m not sure, maybe 80% reduction in my sense of touch/tactility anywhere on my body.

This left me without really any chance of reaching orgasm and had a great impact on my sexual relationships with partners. As whilst I would be keen as mustard to please them, my inability to orgasm did lead to a great deal of sexual frustration which also had an impact on my desire to engage in sexual acts because I’d just be left unsatisfied with a really painful pelvic floor.

My partner recently tried their Swan vibrator on me and it actually worked! But it took a very long time and was getting quite hot too.

So now this bit of info has been revealed to us, I’d like to know about a more appropriate vibrator for us to use.


It takes so long for me to cum from the Swan vibrator on my glans that I’m worried about wearing out the vibrator, what would be a better one be for me to use.


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