I just need a straight answer. Let’s say a man is at a party. Or a bar. And he sees a girl. Is it okay if he were to walk up to the girl and try and talk with her? Or would that be scary/creepy? Ideally an answer from other women would be appreciated.

  1. Jeez, the types of questions guys come on here asking really shows how restrictive and repressive our culture has become towards men. It’s like we’re living in a Sharia state or something.

  2. There are some out there who would have you believe that you can’t approach a woman without being accused of some thing. But that’s only gonna happen if you go up to her and say some thing completely disgusting and creepy. It is absolutely OK to approach a woman in social setting in a friendly way. Just say hello! Or ask her what she’s drinking or if you’re watching live music ask if she’s ever seen them play before, etc. There are plenty of very innocuous ways to approach a woman. But just be aware of their body language. If you talk to any woman in your life, I would be surprised if there was a single one of them that hasn’t been verbally or physically sexually harassed or assaulted by men. So just be aware that most women are going to be a little wary of a man approaching them. We never know what you are going to say or do next. So if you approach a woman and say some thing friendly and she doesn’t seem into it, just walk away and don’t take it personally. Maybe wait until you come across a woman that has made eye contact with you and seemed interested.

  3. women are generally at social settings to meet and talk to people. bars, parties, clubs, all that is normally to approach a girl at. the main thing women find creepy is being approached while we mind our own business. if I have earbuds in, I’m working, Im studying, etc then don’t approach.

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