What’s the point of dating if I’m not attractive? I’m not handsome, I’m not tall, and obviously this has reinforced these beliefs which are just gonna bite me in the ass. I’m terrified. If I ever get with someone it’ll only be because they settled. Every time I start to think otherwise I see posts of women fucking fawning over hot tall guys with huge dicks. I don’t get what’s the point of trying.

  1. i dont know if you have heard this before but if you are ugly you can always improve your aperance, if you do these things:

    * first of all you need to have good hygiene and smell good, buy a good fragrance and shower everyday
    * get a good haircut that suits your headshape, keep your facial hair nice and trimmed (if you have facial hair or hair)
    * buy some cool or nice clothes that fits you
    * eat healthy and nutritious and try to workout and get in shape

    and most important be respectful towards women and dont rush anything if you are seeing a woman.

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