What are your biggest pet peeves?

  1. Double standards. Manipulation. Insulting or mocking other people. When I see anyone do these things to anyone else, there’s a chunk of respect they lose from me.

  2. When someone snaps their fingers to get my attention. Very good way to instantly incur my wrath lol. When women have an attitude and fingernails and they click their nails at me when they are ranting or going on a tirade. Walking around my house in socks and stepping in somethung wet. Crack/meth heads. People that take any topic or situation and immediately start going on political rants or make erroneous assumptions or claims about large swoths of people based on cursory interactions or knowledge. People who drive like fuckbags. Random phone calls. People asking for my help without exhausting all other options first. Coconut flavor. Employers who are cunts. Car/truck guys. Random woke Gen Z nonsensical bullshit. Country music. Paying bills. Corporations. When your walking and get that 1 spiderweb strand anywhere on your body but especially your face/head area. That my hobbies are expensive. People who complain often. 1 uppers. Having adnauseum conversations about people/topics I don’t fucking care about. Hard headed people. Ignoring empirical data about something so you can continue to life in a fantasy world you’ve constructed. When people say “it’s for the children ” or “think about the children” fuck dem kids. When it’s too sunny out. People buying things for me without my consent, I dont want that shit, I didn’t ask for it. Bugs. That’s just all the shit off the top of my head there’s so many more.

  3. People in public who have zero awareness of others around them. They’ll stand in the aisle at walmart with their cart stretched out so nobody can get by, then when you startle them by saying excuse me, they become an oblivious mess cause they had no idea they were taking up that much space.

    Also people in public who don’t pay attention and are swiping on their phone and walk directly in front of you, walk super slow, stop in an entrance to a busy store… wtf is wrong with these people??

  4. Mine is work-oriented. There’s never enough time to do it right… but always enough to do it over again. And again.

  5. Condescension. When im treated like i don’t know what I’m doing or like a child. Especially without reason, and especially especially when I’m working.

  6. Turn signals. Rules of the road in general, really, but holy shit, are people *fucking stupid* when it comes to turn signals.

  7. Double standards, people being mean for no good reason, the whole concept of looking down on someone for any reason, stupid grudges, people with no awareness of people around them

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