cremated or buried what’s the right thing to do ?

  1. My wife’s sister lost their 5 year old son to a rare illness. He died the week he would’ve started kindergarten. He was buried. Many years later she said to us, “If I had to do it all over again, I would go with cremation. Now 15 years later we only go to his graveside once per year. I would liked to have his ashes with us at home.” They have a little alcove in a wall with photos and memos of him. Probably more of a memorial than his actual grave. It really gave me a lot to think about.

  2. I’d like to be buried next to my partner with an apple tree seed, so we can live on together as an apple tree that provides nourishment to local wildlife.

    No, I’m not joking. I’m dead serious.
    I think it’s a beautiful idea.

  3. In the end, I want what my family feels most comfortable with.

    Currently the plan is to have everyone together in a vault but in general I want to be cremated to be with my father.

    If it’s not a viking burial at sea, that’s the best I can do. Plus it’s cheaper.

  4. Feed me to Crocs or alligators. Don’t let all this go to waste. Let me come out as waste.

  5. After the docs have taken all that can be donated I want to be cremated, but not kept on a shelf.

  6. We should press the ashes of our dead into bricks and build with them. But using trash might be cheaper.

  7. I’d want to be cremated. I think casket funerals are morbid. Id rather have my ashes scattered somewhere beautiful than have my body decay in a casket

  8. It’s a fairly lousy binary selection tbh.

    Consumed by flames or wasted golf course space – really that’s all we can come up with?

    To help decide, ask yourself how much you have visited your loved one’s graves. If the answer is rarely or never, then maybe it’s not for you.

    Of course I always wonder how well they clean the crematorium out between toasts. Given that no one checks I’d say not very well. So spread those ashes that are 34% grandpa, 42% the fat lady before, and the rest everyone else.

    Can we just lay me out for the coyotes already?

  9. Cremation. Your dead why take up more space? My honest personal opinion. I’ve also told my family don’t put me on the shelf or anything dumb like that.

  10. Form an environmental pov, cremation is the most senseless thing to do. Getting buried in in coffin in a confined space (I.e. cemetery) comes closer to natural decomposition. Ironically some murder victims getting buried in the woods give most of their biomass and all their nutrients back to nature. Get fat and then get murdered, it’s the best thing you can do for mother nature.

  11. cemetaries are dumb. but i dunno about creation. think every city should just have a body dump forest.

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