Hi all,

I have been single for a year now. I signed up for FB dating…I met a few girls that I talked to for a while ( 3). This is how it went every time:

We matched, started talking, got to know each others and were excited about it. We met, went on a few dates. After we started hanging out, they started having more expectations, I went the opposite way. A common complaint I got from all 3, was the frequency at which I was texting back after the first dates vs before, also the amount of compliments they were getting from me. I Acknowledged the complain, we kept talking for a little longer, then the amount of complaining about me not giving them attention increased, which got me to tell them it wouldn’t workout between us.

One of them told me that all she wanted was consistency. She told me that if I truly found her beautiful, she would have expected me to keep telling her, and I find that ridiculous. She went on to tell me my intentions were never genuine because I was texting her less, and wasn’t sending her a cute text as often as I did. My response was that, she was right, I had no plan on being consistently doing that for the rest of my life.

Another told me that I don’t have to be happy to make her feel good by giving her compliments…my life currently, is stressful, and I am going through a lot of tough stuff both emotionally and mentally ( she knows about it all). She expected me to give her the same amount of attention regardless because according to her, unless I do that, I don’t actually care.

This is my general thinking: If I we start talking, you are not a priority until you have earned that spot. I text you back when I text you back. We are not in a relationship. If I go to the lab where I can’t take my phone ( we have a lab at work that I use occasionally) you have no room to complain about me not texting you as fast as you would want because at this point my job is a bigger priority than you are. If I tell you I am not well mentally, and you still expect compliments from me, then you don’t care about me, you just care about the idea of someone feeding your insecurities. I get turned off by the expectations they have from me, EVERY TIME.

What I am asking from y’all is constructive criticism. Am I the one that’s broken or are they?

I know this is only one side of the story(ies) but I would like a honest opinion.

1 comment
  1. My abusive ex I met on match. She was definitely broken from all the stuff guys did to her and she took her anger out on me. She is married now. I’ve met girls I wasn’t interested in on dating sites. It happens. It doesn’t matter online, irl, it doesn’t change who a person is and no one goes out anymore.

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