If you could time travel, where would you go?

  1. I don’t think I’d go back into the past, I love how my life is now

    I’d go deeeep into the future, like year 5000 and see what things are like.

  2. The future, but only as a temporary visit. I’d like to return to my current time afterward.

  3. 1920’s. Cause these 2020’s was was rough. I’d like to experience the difference lol

  4. I would go to my past so I could try prevent some things from happening to me and my loved ones. I wouldn’t repeat same mistakes..

  5. I’d first love to pay a visit to my relatives. For example I’d go see my great grandparents who I never met and see my grandparents as kids. I might even visit ancestors farther back than that. I’d visit everyone and see how they lived, solve any family secrets that we wondered about No idea if I’d try to explain who I was or if that would get me locked up lol!

    Other than that id go absolutely everywhere during every time period I possibly could! The idea of time travel is so exciting!

  6. Woodstock. Concerts at bethel woods rock, but the original was truly a mark on the timeline that will never be reproduced. And the last waltz, the thanksgiving farewell concert of The Band.

  7. Assuming this means reliving my life, maybe the 80s. But does that mean everyone else goes back too?

    If this means just visiting, there is no time in the past where I’d feel safe enough to be anywhere.

  8. One week in the future, just to get lottery numbers. Then i’ll be set, wont splurge but that would set me right karma-wise.

  9. Probably should go back and hl fine a way to stop all the greedy people from taking over. If not… Well honestly I would go back about 16 years. Talk to myself about all the things my parents did wrong, explain that they are really deeply damaged, get myself the help I needed and get out of it faster. I’m happy with the progress I’ve made, but all it would have taken was to have access to the Internet and books and I would have realized my childhood was not my fault.

  10. Back to 1970s. I buy some apple stock and tell my dad to take better care of his heart so he wouldn’t die when I was ten.

  11. I think it would be awesome to time travel to see concerts and entertainment. I wouldn’t want to live in the 2920s, but seeing a vaudville show would be awesome! And so would seeing classic rock bands in the 60s and 70s. also driving a car from the 60s would be cool.

  12. To the time my mom wanted to go to Japan. I would push her to do it and make my grandma agree for her. I don’t know how, but its a wish.

  13. Probably back like 10 or so years in college and try to pay more attention to what I ate/drank and try to be more active. I thought I was invincible back then and would never become overweight/obese. I was wrong and wish I had the foresight to think about my health and cut down on binge eating/drinking. Working towards getting back down to healthy weight now and it’s MUCH easier to maintain weight than lose it.

  14. I’d visit the Tudor period to discover learn the truth about Mary and Anne Boleyn.

  15. 1955 America.

    Judging by all the films and news reels I’ve seen of that era, not to mention the beginning of the Rock&Roll era, soda pop cafés, The Hop and drive-in movies, that’s the time I’d like to live in.

  16. Someone might go back and see if there really was a Jesus, maybe let him know what he’s starting. What with all the murder and war done “in his name.”

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