What do you do with your chest hair (between boobs) shave it, wax it, or leave it?

  1. I have hairs around my nipples and between my boobs that I shave from time to time

  2. Well it all depends on how you like it, since there’s plenty of women who prefer keeping it or removing it. but I personally shave it or use Nair. I’m not sure about waxing there I would just be careful if you’re waxing of shaving.

  3. I leave it. The only thing I trim is my kitty. I pluck my one annoying nipple hair and chin hair. That’s it.

    (I have hair. men have hair. I’m not a naked mole rat lmao)

  4. If you have a lot of course hair on your chest, you should see your gynecologist about having a hormone panel done. It’s one of the symptoms of PCOS.

    I don’t really get rid of body hair but every once in awhile I get the urge. I would just go with whatever feels comfortable for you – if you like or don’t mind the hair, let it grow; if you would feel more “you” without it, shave it!

  5. This is way more common than the comments make it seem, especially for people that aren’t of Western European ancestry.

    I used to use a hair removal cream (Nair or Veet) on mine all the time, especially before a special occasion or specific outfit. If I’m in a rush and there’s some cleavage that will be showing, I’ll quickly shave. Most partners I’ve had didn’t really care about it and I’ve left it as is for majority of the time, even more so in the last couple of years during the pandemic. It’s completely normal to have.

  6. I just shave it…every since I got pregnant that perfect lime that goes doen your chest/belly existed and bought with it hair. So I just shave for ease and make sure I exfoliate etc

  7. I pluck the especially long or dark ones. If I’m wearing something especially low-cut, I’ll lightly shave the rest of it after a good plucking. It’s painful and annoying, but I feel like everyone notices if I go out with visible chest hair. 🙁

  8. Wow people are being harsh in this comment section. Some women have a lot more hair than others. Yes, it could be a hormone imbalance, but you could also just be hairy. I’m pale and my body hair is black and thick. I’ve got arm hair like a monkey. No hormone imbalance, I’ve been checked numerous times. I’m just Greek and Scottish. 🙂

    I used to shave my chest when I was younger. I basically used to shave everything from my nose and down. I’m older now and don’t care about it at all anymore. It’s funny to think how much I used to stress over body hair. Now, before this thread, I hadn’t thought of it in years.

  9. I have some. I just tweeze them out cuz they annoy me since they’re coarse.

  10. I have one of those small electric shavers for like a bikini line that I use. In terms of coarse hairs I get one in the middle of my chest and a few around my nipples and belly button, so I just trim them off when I’m cleaning my downstairs.

  11. I don’t have chest hair, but I am naturally pretty hairy and have PCOS so on top of my layer of long vellus blonde body hair, I have gotten patches of coarse dark hair in unwanted places. Shaving and tweezing is exhausting and the patches grew to be denser and harder to keep smooth as I got older so I ended up getting electrolysis only in those areas. Not to sound hyperbolic but it’s dramatically improved how I feel about my body.

    The rest of my regular body hair I leave alone. I have a friend who gets a few hairs between her boobs, and I get a few around my areola, but if you have a little thicket of hair you’re self-conscious of, I highly recommend electrolysis. It can be painful but I feel like it was beyond worth it.

  12. leave it. or shave it. or wax it. it’s up to you.
    just don’t feel pressured by society to shave.
    hair is there for a reason.

  13. omg please dont feel gross!!! if anything when i saw this notification i felt better because i felt like i wasnt the only one. mine arent all coarse but they are pretty dark. im light complected with basically black hair so theyre hard to miss. luckily my boyfriend has never said anything about my body hair, well he said he prefers a shaven body but wont tell me to shave it, like he leaves it to me which im so thankful for. but to answer your question, i shave mine every once in awhile in the shower. ive been growing out all my hair because i want to try to wax rollers from amazon so itll last a bit longer. but please dont feel gross or disgusting. i also have very dark peach fuzz on my face and i used to get made fun of for having “side burns” and also really dark arm hair. im insecure of all my hair but as im getting older i really cant care less.

    edit; im also hispanic so its normal for us to have a lot of hair and for it to be really dark

  14. Shave it. I only have a couple that get coarse, but it bothers me.

    Really wish someone had told me this happens to some women, and is normal. Instead of leaving me to wonder if something is wrong with me. 🙃

  15. First off….there is absolutely nothing to worry or be ashamed about.

    Waxing is a good option but if you are looking for something long term, you should do laser treatment. Over a period of time, thr thickness reduces and the frequency of the treatment reduces too.

  16. A bit yeah, I just leave it. I saw you mention in some of the other comments that you feel discouraged and I understand. I remember I saw a video about shaving your legs and all these women going “ewww must be a man, that’s so disgusting” when I literally had roughly the same leg hair T^T >.< :/ Despite that, don’t let it get you down! Lots of women are probably the same and lots of men don’t care. Stay strong and confident <3

  17. I have hair everywhere, shoulders, back, upper arms, stomach, chest, boobs, face. Hair is literally everywhere. And it’s black hair too. I’ve been very lazily going at it with a laser removal machine for like 2 years now. Very sporadically and relaxed. The more I mess with it with razors and stuff, the more annoying it gets for me.

  18. I’ve never had chest hair but then again my hair barely grows anywhere including the top of my head. I have no advice but enjoying learning about this and don’t think it’s that unusual.

  19. I have a string of hair on my stomach. I wax it off. Also have tiny black hairs around my nipples. I pluck those. I’m a blonde European. From what I hear it’s pretty normal to have hair here and there.

  20. I don’t have chest hair but I do get random ones on my boobs that just manifest one day at an inch long (?!?!?!) So I tweeze those.

    You’re not gross. Bodies are different. what you are experiencing is normal.

  21. I have PCOS and I pluck/tweezer my hairs there 🙂 and my lip hair, chin hair, belly hair, nipple hair, and eyebrow hair. <3

  22. I bleach mine! There is a body hair bleach product called Jolene, it works wonders! I use it between my boobs, my treasure trail, and my peace fuzz around my face 🙂

  23. This is quite common for women from South Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Its nothing out of the blue or extraordinary . I usually shave them but you can also get them waxed . Shaving is definitely the much more easier and accessible option . Lot of the women seem surprised here in the comment section but not everyone is alike and women from these countries tend to have a bit more body hair than women from European and American countries. Just chill and please don’t think that this is abnormal or anything . It is completely normal . Managing body hair can be difficult especially if you are Indian like i am but just do what suits you best .

  24. Some of these comments are not it – having chest hair is nothing out of the ordinary! I have a couple of longer, dark strands of hair between and on my boobs that I’ll pluck out with tweezers whenever I’m touching up my eyebrows.

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