Women of Reddit, what are some habits/behaviors you’ve had to teach yourself since becoming an adult?

  1. * Weekly budgeting
    * Planning meals for the week
    * Frequent aparetment cleaning

  2. To parent myself. Sometimes you need to nag and micromanage yourself to make sure to get things done.

  3. Walking into a room and cataloging what needs to be done, like filling up the dogs water, wiping off the counters, etc. No one else is going to do that but you.

  4. That sometimes the abuse you suffered by your parent, you don’t realize how bad it was until much later. Once you realize it, that it’s ok to remove the toxicity from your life in order to have a better future.

  5. – Financial literacy
    – Mental health
    – Dying and cutting my own hair
    – Applying makeup and styling my hair
    – Cooking healthy
    – How to be truly happy

  6. For keeping your living space tidy…. If you notice something needs to be done and it will take less that 5 minutes just do it right then.

  7. When you get home, do not sit down until you are finished the things that you need to do. for example; laundry, cleaning a room, doing the dishes, packing your bag, etc. once you sit down, you switch off for the day and your body thinks that it is done. get everything done at once and immediately.

  8. Still trying to teach myself boundaries, how to stick up for myself, and saying no

  9. Drag myself onto the yoga mat as soon as I wake up, so I spend at least 1-2 hours every morning practicing yoga.

  10. Planning what I need to do the next day the night before.

    Also just because I’m now in charge of the shopping that doesn’t mean I can just buy a bunch of junk.

  11. Clean as you go, meal plan before grocery shopping, application of an adherence to boundaries, compete with only yourself, and that if you really want it you will prioritize it.

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