There was this guy I really liked he always ignored me when I tried talking to him before then he did respond to me but he literally was just being polite and making normal friendly conversation he wasn’t actually interested in me. Then he just randomly unfollowed me a month after that. I was really upset about the whole thing then I started randomly messaging him because he wouldn’t pay attention to me at all otherwise. I told him he looked hot in something he posted he just liked my message no other response then I asked him if he was interested in me and he ignored my message for days then he finally responded and just said “no.” And I was like why?? And he ignored me for days again then said “I don’t know you lol. Please stop messaging this account.” And it’s been months since then I just hate the fact that no matter what he will always just want nothing to do with me for some reason. I don’t want to look completely crazy and keep bothering him by doing this. Only other option is to never message him or interact with him. Then he will never talk to me or come towards me or be interested in me, or start following me or interact with me at all. And if I do it then it’s just get ignored then be annoyed. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong in these situations guys are never interested in me I always just get ignored. I always just get ignored by guys and I don’t know why
I really want to message him again and ask if he ever thought I was ugly but I’m afraid he’ll get mad or annoyed if I try saying anything to him again.

1 comment
  1. There isn’t much to do about this situation because he isn’t interested in you. However, you also shouldn’t be interested in someone that doesn’t feel the same way!

    The best thing in to do in this scenario is never message him again and forget about him. The right person will come eventually.

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