How do you calm yourself down after an argument?

  1. Going for a run or working out to blow of some steam (especially weight training and kickboxing), followed by a warm relaxing shower.

  2. Depends on how vicious an argument it was. If it was more of a “you’re wrong I’m right suck it” kind of thing, a few cat videos and some deep breaths will help me. If it’s a “go fuck yourself with a life sized cactus dildo” argument, punching a throw pillow works, although I have been known to fury knit.

  3. Replay it in my head a few times.

    Call someone for perspective.


    Revisit it.


    Let it go.

  4. Go for a long walk and clear your head, allow yourself to calm down and think about what happened when you’re in a different headspace. Getting some space is always good

  5. Deathcore.

    Then gradually I move down to metalcore. Sometimes that leads me to nu-metal, which is just a fun, nostalgic time and I forget what I was angry about!

  6. I usually either call someone to vent about it or think about it and process it alone until I let it go

  7. I try to find something that makes me happy, or something I can’t show anger around (because they won’t understand it’s not directed at them). For me this is whatever pet I have at the time (other than fish because fish only know food and nothing else).

    Or I write it down. Usually I can figure out what is still bothering me about the argument (maybe I’m wrong, maybe they’re wrong and a fucking idiot) and it helps to process it.

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