A little over a year ago, I went through (extreme) depression, where I was also su** dal for several months and used to get PTSD attacks just till a few months ago. I do not know if I have recovered from it or not (at least I have improved significantly), but ever since then, I have lost the joy from life entirely — I do not feel happiness, I do not enjoy the things that I used to (not even s** x), I want to cry but I am unable to; I feel completely emotionless. Life feels so much meaningless to me! Please tell me what I can do

  1. Emotional numbing is a common symptom of both PTSD and depression. The best advice I can give is to see a therapist, preferably one who is experienced in trauma-informed care. They will be able to work with you to develop the tools and strategies to resume enjoying your life. Good luck.

  2. First thing you need to do is see a therapist, 100%. You need to work on yourself and start healing.

  3. This is a common symptom of depression and ptsd. It doesn’t have to be like this, this is fixable. Speak to a good therapist and try medication. I’m looking at microdosing for depression just now- the medical studies are fascinating.

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