This girl I’m seeing. We connect amazingly when we do find the time to chat. We have video calls. We’ve had 3 amazing dates. I’ve been seeing her for 2 months. She has her 1 year old son at home that she takes care of so I understand he keeps her hands full…BUT.

Lately I haven’t been hearing from her that often.

I texted her this morning to say good morning and that I’m thinking about her. Its now 9pm and nothing. No reply.

Is this normal? Is there an explanation? I don’t get it. I really don’t. I approached the subject a few days ago and she said there’s nothing wrong between us, everything is more than okay.

I don’t know anymore. Help?

  1. Stop texting her so much. I can already tell you are way too responsive and available for her. Take it easy.

    From here on out, only reach out to her to set up a date. Then YOU need to live a life. Get a hobby or something. Just stop being in her presence every single day. It will overwhelm her.

  2. I obviously don’t know the full story but you might be texting too much and if that’s the case then give her space and see if she messages you first.
    She could be going off you
    She could be really busy and going through something
    She could be seeing someone else
    I am sometimes very absent minded about texting people back-especially when they’re too much.

  3. She’s not interested as much as you are. If she was she’d find time to respond to a good morning text.

  4. She is crazy busy and wants to have some thinking time to write a proper reply? I do this a lot when I feel rude to write”yah busy ” and intend to write a proper text but it takes thinking and writing time and not sure what to say especially if the relationship is new

  5. You can politely check in and see if she is doing okay, she may be busy or overwhelmed or may have sudden responsibilities that she just needs to handle. Depends on the person. I myself use texting to make/ confirm plans and the infrequent mental check in so my partner doesn’t really monitor how much we text. But other people may be more attached to that form of communication so the sudden change may be cause to check in. It all depends

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