I dated my partner (33m) for 5 years prior to marrying him. I asked him just before christmas and we got married less than a year later. We hit a few rough patches. First was 3 years in just after the new year, I almost left him but COVID trapped me with him. He lost his job and was utterly useless most of the time. We have 5 kids between us and I was paying bills, cleaning, playing teacher to 4 of the 5, cooking, and going to school full time myself. We ended up moving which I took as a fresh start and things got better, hence the proposal. Then a month before we got married we got into it. I told him if he is incapable of loving me and giving me what I need then he should let me go and let me find someone who can. Once again it got better. It was magical. Then we got married. Sex, gone, intimacy, gone, date night, gone. All of it gone. Which okay we can work on. Fast forward to last mth. I got COVID. He took that moment to lay into me about how unfair it was for me to be sick because now his friends won’t hang out with him and how hard my having COVID was for him. Then he left and went to his friends house. Mind you I gave it to my kids who gave it to my ex who was managing the kids since he had them and we were all sick. He kept working we spent 10 days apart in the house. He didn’t check on me or even cook a single day I was sick, the first 6 days. The only cleaning, 5 kids laundry doesn’t stop, or cooking done while I was sick was done by me. I even did online grocery shopping for supplies. Then I left for a friend’s. He barely contacted me the whole time, then got shitty when I said I missed him. I get back and now it’s been well over a month he is sleeping on the couch and not really doing more than polite conversation. When I got mad about him buying a new big screen TV while i was gone, we are trying to pay off bills collected during his unemployment and our wedding, he said “it’s my money I don’t have to justify anything to you.” Mind you he’s lived with my 4 years and never once paid a single house bill other than the phone bill when he was working. I know I dug myself into this hole and I’m so miserable but I don’t even know what to do. I’ve tried everything to make this work and I know it hasn’t been a year yet but I’m so tired of doing this. I’ve tried talking, I’ve tried offering therapy, I made a savings plan after attending finance classes that would provide financial equality, I’ve bought a toy store full of toys to keep myself satisfied with the lack of sex. I cook dinner and plan dates, and listen and tried patience. I’ve tried tell him how i feel and what i need. But I’m absolutely lost on what do now. Help?! Maybe tell me what I’ve done wrong? Or how to fix this. I love him. I really do but I don’t know anymore. I just feel so empty and tired.

  1. What have you done wrong ? Tried too hard for too long to fix something that can’t be fixed !

  2. Find a good lawyer and listen to their advice. Your husband is taking advantage of you.

  3. Hon, you deserve way better, he seems like the 6 child in your home. It seems you have a single life by doing everything by yourself, prepare to make it official, leave him…

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