People are staring at me not everyone but almost everyone. They make 6sec stares or even turn around when they walked past me. I’m sometimes uncomfortable leaving the house. Here’s how I look. Im in my early 20s male and 6’3 and I’m skinny but not too skinny. I wear a bandana like ksi and I’m white. My style is skater.. For face I can send photos for proof but I want some help

  1. Peoples stares mean less than you think everyone gets them to a certain extent. There is not deeper reason behind it, than that people just look at others, who they share space with.

    Maybe some people find you interesting for some reason, or you remind them of someone. This would be special cases. The majority just looks out of curiosity and with no deeper reason. Tall people get a bit more looks, because they stand out of the crowd. Also, when you react to their looks in some way, you will trigger people to look more. The guy, who thinks “why is everyone staring at me, omg” will trigger others to stare more, because they are asking themselves “what’s going on with this guy?”

    Experiment with a light smile on your face, when your eyes meet with strangers. If eyes meet for a longer time, you can greet them or nod your head a bit.

  2. It sounds like your look is falling outside of the “box” for most people and they’re not quite sure how to categorize/asses you. We all make millions of quick calculations/assumptions every day. If our subconscious can’t figure something out it flags it for our attention. But sometimes we can’t figure out WHY it’s flagging it for our attention. This disconnect can often lead to the behavior you describe. So inside everyone’s head as they walk past, “Oh wow umm check out that guy? Ok yeah what about him? Ummm what was the question again?” Best advice I can give, remember the Madagascar Penguins meme. Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave. Seriously, you naturally draw peoples attention so might as well do something with it like give them a positive interaction with someone. Be you, be comfortable in who you are and let that come through in a positive way.

  3. Tall with a bandana would probably get my attention too. Not for SIX seconds, but a second or two, which is longer than most people get. Use it to your advantage. Pretend you’re a celebrity. Practice your big warm smile. Smile and nod. Roll with it!

  4. Yeah man, as others have said previously, people like to judge. I’m a fairly big white guy, heavily tattooed and have a beard and long blonde hair I guess I sorta look like a viking. people stare but I now realise its not all bad. Embrace it, you’re standing out from the crowd. If they have a problem then if they say something then you can address it, if not then there’s no problems.

  5. How do you know they are staring at you? Do you watch them staring at you or do you only see it in your peripheral vision?

    * If you’re watching them stare at you, then you are also staring at them
    * If you’re only detecting it in your peripheral vision, it could be a perceptual error on your part registering a gaze when they are not in fact looking at you
    * If you are intermittently glancing at them to confirm they are still staring, they may be responding to your glance faster than your glance happens

    Do you live in a community with a lot of veteran by any chance?

  6. My recommendation is that whenever a person is staring at you, wave at them. If you’re close enough, extend your hand and introduce yourself.

  7. I am ugly and I go everywhere alone because I have no friends and people do this to me. They have a radar so they know if you are an outcast so they stare at you to laugh at you. I am sorry

  8. Is it cuz you’re very attractive? I know people do that to me sometimes and it’s cuz I’m conventionally attractive

  9. Haha I feel that man, I have a buzzcut, red hair, face tattoos, wear mad jewellery, and I have skater style also.

    I think sometimes people think I’m a celebrity but I’m not

  10. They’re checking you out because you stand out. Happens to me too. Just ignore them

  11. Probably your height. I get stared at too and I am also 6’3″. I’m otherwise unremarkable looking so I assume that’s the cause.

    I didn’t realize it was happening until my girlfriend pointed it out, so now I’m noticing it too. It’s probably been happening for years but you only just started seeing it.

  12. I feel like this happens to me as well and I can’t tell if it’s in my head, because they think I’m ugly or because they think I’m attractive…the worst part is the options are so I’m either disgusting or really eye catching there’s no in-between lol I hate it I try my hardest to avoid eye contact

  13. I do this thing where I wear sunglasses and never turn my head to look at someone. Helps me cope when I’m in intimate spaces with less people. Curves anxiety. But I want to say it’s the head band and your maybe baggy clothes. It’s a sweet style so I’m guessing people are double taking your drip.

  14. Maybe it’s a ‘feedback loop’ thing.

    Because you’re expecting someone to stare at you, you tense up. Then they look at you to figure out what’s going on. Then maybe you subconsciously scowl or something, because you know they’re looking at you, then they worry you might get violent so keep an eye on you.

    I’d recommend just trying to completely ignore it for a week or two and it might stop happening.

  15. Being yourself is the best thing you can do imo. So I’d say theres absolutely nothing wrong with you, and those people just find the way you look interesting as it’s different, too many people are afraid of being themselves and judge others for doing it. Just keep yo head up and rock your skater style!

  16. Most of those who stare at you, need to grab a mirror.

    In addition, have this plastered on their forehead: “Observe without judgment”

    It’s not easy until you start doing it then you’ll do it without judging, or something to that effect.

    I personally take staring as a compliment, even though certain kinds of stairs errrr, stares will make you uncomfortable and you can work through it using what I call, tunnel vision

    The ole’ tired quote, you be you, my friend

    For context, I apparently favor a lot of movie stars or rock stars, whatever. Doesn’t matter

    Kudos for bringing this up 🤜🤛

  17. People taking a glance at you is normal. I think you probably are very self conscious and have low self esteem so you think these strangers are more concerned with you than they really are.

    An axiom that has served me well in life, “No one is as concerned with you as they are with themselves.” They honestly don’t care and you shouldn’t either.

  18. Idk if this helps but I subconsciously stare at people who are tall but that’s because most of the citizens in my country are shorties HAHA

  19. Wanna swap I am so paranoid about people thinking I am staring I don’t even notice, it normally has to be pointed out to me.

  20. m8 i have the same issues but i realised thats because some people find me attractive or scary. sometimes i look aggresive. i wear black cargo pants and leather boots with a black tank top. sometimes bandana to. just think like this i dont give a fuck. and if they smile feel its good and take it as an complement.

    i look like a nordic viking bcause of my beard. 🙂

  21. A lot of people stare at me too because I’m a 5’-9” Scandinavian Irish blonde beast of a woman. I am taller than most people I work with and my friends, and in heels oh lord watch out, and everyone stares at me. I basically feel like brienne of Tarth, though am way more feminine looking. I relate, but I just don’t care. At least strangers give me attention.

  22. probably attractive or interesting style. Don’t let it get to you. If they look too long, maybe wave, nod, or something? LOL

  23. Totally get what you’re saying. I don’t want to sound conceited but the amount of times people stare and/or approach me to tell me that I’m pretty honestly gave me bad anxiety. Im low key and hate attention. It got to the point that i struggled with agoraphobia and had to get help. What helped me is thinking, they mean good and it’s just anxiety that’s playing with me

  24. Let them stare, ppl nowadays stare even to disabled ppl like they are aliens or out of this world and they think thats normal,but don’t think in negative way, cuz from your description you have fashion sense so maybe they are staring out of curiosity bcuz they are seeing something different or new about you or your outfit ,and don’t let that prevent you from going out or shake your confidence in any way

  25. I’ve got long hair as a man and sometimes get stares over it, and was once hot headed enough to mouth off to people over it, I can tell you right now the best thing to do is nod your head downwards when you see them staring, it’s a polite greeting but it’s also a non escalating way to tell people “I’m not blind moron I can see you staring”

  26. Look people in the eye, relatively few people feel comfortable holding eye contact and you will project that you are a confident person. It’s quite empowering.

  27. You might just be handsome. Not a subtle flex but people stare at me a lot too. I’ve developed a male equivalent of a resting bitch face to offset the stares i get. Or they could be judging how you dress or how you look in general. Most of the time it’s innocent and most people are unaware of their staring. Embrace it bro.

  28. do you have anxiety or depression? sometimes those can trigger a bit of a paranoid feeling. the mind exaggerates the negative and perceives fairly innocent things as some kind of threat. its hard to imagine that many ppl would stare at a skater guy but i guess it depends on where you are located.

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