What is the tactical situation, where the most appropriate weapon is a double-barrelled shotgun?

  1. One where you only need two shots…. But given most shotgun encounters are over after one shot, it would probably work for anything close range against one person.

  2. Single fast enemy, could be flying. Doesn’t take much to disable it and you are a shite shot.

  3. Finding your wife with another man

    No I’m kidding

    There is no tactically appropriate time to compromise your morals and cover your hands in blood you can’t wash off

  4. Angry Birds

    * Hostile pheasant in the sage, sir.
    * Waterfowl in the airspace, sir.
    * That grouse is coming right for us!

  5. I don’t know that a double barrelled shotgun will ever be the most appropriate. It’s just simple and easy to use. I think you’ll always want more shots.

  6. Cryptid defense. You need a variety of ammo types when dealing with the old ones. Break actions let you swap ammo quickly.

  7. I’m not saying it’s the best option ..I have a coach gun loaded with mini-shells. But I lived in a trailer, where anything else would blow through outer walls, let alone interior ones. I don’t want over penetration, just need to hit the bedroom door and if I need more, I can get to other guns.

  8. Is this for a book or something? Because IRL there really isn’t:

    Semi auto or pump shotguns just do everything a break action does better. A pump can even use the same ‘specialty’ rounds as a break action, and the time it takes to pump another round in is negligible (you can fire a pump almost as fast as a semi auto).

    And shotguns aren’t even of that much use tactically anyway; they aren’t the cone of death that fiction would make you think they are, and they suck against body armor.

    A semi-auto rifle is going to be better than a shotgun in almost every situation, and a pump or semi-auto shotgun is going to be better than a break action in almost every situation.

  9. When your hand that became possessed with an evil spirt, that you cut off yourself with a chainsaw, is now crawling around the cabin in the woods,that is also possessed by evil spirits, crawls away and hides from you in the walls, but you know that it’s up to no good so you know you need to kill it before it kills you. That’s the only time I can think of where a double barrel shotgun would be the most appropriate weapon.

  10. If its like military then house sweeping for sure. If not then a home burglary. Self defence so you’ll be fine

  11. Probably a bear attack or something. I think a double barrel would be overkill for a lot of other stuff lmao, and more bullets tends to be better in other situations so you’d want another gun then. If a bear is coming at ya then I ain’t all that sure you’d get more than 2 bullets out.

  12. Small area with no more than three opponents.

    An example would be finding a vandal/thief/person of ill intent/aggressive animal in your RV/trailer/1-bedroom apartment.

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