I am in good physical shape and I get enough calories, but by the end of the day, when my anxiety kicks in, I can’t stop my mouth. It always needs to snack on something. Would it be almonds or sandwich.

What do you do, to rewire your brain not to snack every time it feels overwhelmed?

  1. I have a (mostly) hard rule that I don’t eat after 7pm. Even if you binge eat a lot early in the day, your body still has time to digest it before you go to sleep.

    But also focusing snacks on low calorie fruits / vegetables helps

  2. I also have anxiety, and my therapist recommended doing something to reward or take care of myself, but most “rewards” I could think of either take too long, cost too much, or are in some way bad for me. Eventually I came up with a little list of things I can do:


    * Get up and go to the kitchen, but drink a bottle of water instead of eating
    * I got into wetshaving a few years back; I like the ritual of picking out a shave soap, lathering it up, changing the blade if needed, taking my time to do a good job, etc. It has some nice sensory benefits and provides like a 10-minute distraction; the main drawback is that you don’t always NEED a shave.
    * Listen to a favorite song or watch something on YouTube.
    * Clean. Not my favorite choice, but sometimes a simple, mindless task like tidying my desk, putting away the dishes or wiping down the counters can be relaxing.
    * Meditation.

  3. If you’re snacking on almonds you’re already doing better than 90% of the general population.

  4. What kind of calories are you getting? Are you getting a lot of fiber? I used to binge eat and get the munchies whenever I smoked weed. I started eating more fruits and veggies and those urges immediately went away.

    Eating fatty and unhealthy food on the regular is a self-perpetuating cycle. More fiber will keep your appetite and cravings under control.

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