All 3 people in this post are the same age (16)
Me and my gf have been together for 2 months

So everything between me (m16) and my gf (f16) is going perfectly, but a mentally ill classmate of her’s (also m16) is always following her. He calls her during the weekends and just breathes and constantly follows us from distance when we are out, she also told me he follower her to her busstop. I’ve thought about yelling at him or tryna scare him off but he only speaks russian (we live in Bulgaria) and I dont think he understands speech he always just mummbles to himself pls send help!
Tldr; A mentally ill person follows my gf and I dont know what to do.

  1. Don’t do that or you will get in all kinds of trouble.

    This is a job for the adults. She need to tell her parents, and have them apply pressure on the school to deal with this. Sounds like he should not be mixed in with the regular kids in the first place.

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