About 7 weeks ago I played with a guy for the first time. I gave him a Handjob and he spanked me and fingered me for a bit, but he did not ejaculate at any point in the encounter. That was my first sexual activity since last august. Since then I’ve been going out with a virgin, and we’ve become exclusive recently. She’s a huge germophobe, but wants to have sex soon. Since the encounter, I’ve done a blood test after 3 weeks and another after 6 weeks that I’m waiting for a result for. I just wanted to know when you think having sex or letting her touch me is okay, general things I should be worrying about at this point, etc.

  1. I think you both decide and when feels natural, don’t put pressure on it, take it easy and slow and you’ll naturally move on to different things

  2. Wait so are you worried about std’s or HIV? if that’s what you’re actually asking then yeah wait for your results to come back to be certain. But just from what you and the guy did the chance of you catching anything is small.

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