I (24F) been seeing a guy (26M) for two weeks. We met on an app and hit it off quickly. He’s sweet, thoughtful, funny, really attractive, and is what seems to be a big relationship guy (his last one was 5 years). We’ve been on 4 dates in under 2 weeks, with two sleepovers (no PIV sex because we both agreed not to rush to that yet).

During our last date he invited me to go on an outing with his whole friend group. This would be my first time meeting any of them. Words of advice? Perspective? I don’t have much (any) experience actually dating in the adult world and I really like this guy—he says this isn’t how quickly his relationships normally progress but that he really likes me and isn’t apologetic or trying to hide that/play games (which I appreciate).

How did you handle meeting the friends, especially if it feels pretty early to be doing so?

  1. It depends on the situation. When I was with my ex I met her friends for the first time and it was horrible. I’m quite a sociable guy but sat at a table with 6 girls who I didn’t know was difficult. The next time I agreed to go on it, they brought their bfs/male friends and it was much better. I just sat with them and talked about football or whatever guys talk about and it clicked much quicker. My advice is ask him and see who is coming, I guess in my experience it helped having other men who are more likely to have similar interests to myself.

  2. Be yourself, be confident.

    They’ll like you all the better if you appear (and are) confident.

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