We do pee before and after and of course are clean. But it still happens to her every time after sex. Is there anything we can do to prevent this from happening again? Thanks in advance .

  1. 1. ensure that it’s a UTI. does she get tested? sometimes yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis can have similar symptoms. medication can help. it’s important that she sees an OBGYN, as all of these could cause problems if left untreated for a long time. (if you can’t afford a doctor/don’t have insurance, you can get otc UTI test strips).

    2. are you both showering before or recently before sex? sweat and bacteria can be the culprits, especially if you don’t use condoms. same goes for if you’re going down on her. same goes for washing your hands immediately before sex.

    3. you cannot mix certain lube and other toy/condom materials. there’s a lot of info about this on the internet, but I always stick to water-based because it’s easier to clean up. you should also try to avoid lube with glycerin in it, because this can cause bacterial overgrowth. she could have an allergy to any ingredient in any lube, even if it’s just pre-lubed condoms.

    4. she could be doing something else to cause the irritation. shaving creme, soap (you’re not supposed to use soap on the vulva and especially not in the vagina, but it should be unscented gentle soap if you do). wearing loose cotton underwear and loose pants can help with irritation and help prevent her sweat from building up down there.

    5. oh! and wash your toys every time if you use them. an unwashed vibrator could be causing this because it ends up touching the urethra.

  2. reminds me a story ive read somewhere some time ago, where the reason for those was a bladder cancer, so id deffinitely get that checked ASAP

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