I’m still new to dating and everything. This guys recently started talking to me on snap but he was very persistent in talking on there instead of insta. ( kinda sus) We have only been talking for a short period of time but he sends me long paragraphs about what he would do for me romantically and they aren’t like offensive or crude things but the way he’s moving quickly gives me a bad feeling. He call me baby girl and princess which makes me feel weird because we don’t rlly know each other. The thing is I feel bad for complaining when the paragraph he sends are nice and romantic but it comes off as Too nice for just a day of talking.

1 comment
  1. Tell him he’s coming on too strong and that here’s taking it too fast, that you appreciate it but you want to know eachother a little more. If he really likes you then he will understand and slow things down. Ive made this mistake before but not that extent. I like to make nice good morning messages, not romantic but nice message to start the day and i think i came on a little to strong and she blocked me. Just be honest with him

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