I want to get an aesthetic body, natty tho, I wanna get some tips.

  1. Working out and having a good diet are not mutually inclusive lol

    Been lifting for 15 years. 4ever bulk

  2. I try to eat 120 grams of protein per day. Having whey powder at home really helps.

    Besides that: I try to eat a lot of fruit and veggies, keep an eye on my overall caloric intake, drink lots of water, take vitamin D supplements.

    Also I’d recommend just removing soda pop from your diet entirely.

  3. Find your own caloric requirements, don’t copy someone else because it will be very personally dependent as to how much nutrition you need. But to answer the question :

    Breakfast – 100g protein yogurt, one large orange, 250ml milk (may add coco powder / coffee if needed)

    Post workout – 500ml milk, 1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

    Snack 1 – 250ml cranberry juice, 1 protein bar

    Lunch – 100g pasta, 200g beef, 2 table spoons olive oil, 200g pasta sauce , 50g cheese

    Snack 2 – 250ml cranberry juice, 150g fruit salad

    Dinner – 200g chicken, 50g butter, 100g flat bread, 100g cottage cheese , 250ml fruit juice

    Snack 3 – 750ml chocolate milk

    Pre- bed – 250ml milk, 50g protein powder

  4. I work out all the time but have a terrible diet. I’ve gotten better at incorporating lots of fruit and veggies after I hit 30, but I’m still inconsistent and binge on too much pizza and snacks.

  5. Breakfast – 2 eggs w/ one cup egg whites, half cup oatmeal

    Post workout meal – 230 grams of basmati rice or 200 grams of penne, 8oz turkey or white fish

    Lunch – 7oz potatoes w/ 7oz chicken

    Pre-dinner – 2 eggs w/ egg whites , veggies

    Dinner – 8oz turkey with shredded lettuce and a little sour cream and hot sauce

    About 230ish grams of protein

  6. Cereal for breakfast, sandwich or something for lunch, big lump of meat and veggies for tea.

  7. I use a lot of scrambled eggs

    I also have a very consistent breakfast or 170g fage yogurt, 34g chocolate flavored casein powder, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 40g quick oats overnight, 1 serving PB2 powder— 50g protein total

    I also have a protein shake with two servings plus milk — 48g total

    This typically gets me into the ballpark of 110-120g protein which is what I’m aiming for on this current cut.

  8. breakfast – eggs, bacon/sausage, potatoes, oatmeal, milk, fruit

    lunch – fish/meat of some kind, potatoes/bread, vegetables, milk

    dinner – usually same as lunch

    after dinner – ice cream sometimes, greek yogurt, fruit, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, whatever

  9. Breakfast is either steel cut oats with fruit or scrambled eggs and toast with veggies and meat mixed in. Lunch is usually just meat (usually chicken, but sometimes beef, pork, or fish) with sweet potatoes or regular potatoes or rice, with any variety of veggies steamed or roasted. Supper is anything that follows the theme of meat/carb/lots of veggies. Snacks are usually greek yogurt and berries and granola or a protein shake a little after a workout, sometimes I’ll have just fruit or some nuts or trail mix of some kind. One thing I’ve added into a lot of meals is edamame beans, which pack a whopping 9 grams of protein for 1/4 cup (roughly) which is awesome for that little amount of beans lol I add them to eggs or mixed veg all the time.

  10. Breakfast: coffee

    Lunch: Halo top or an omelet depending on what’s going on at work

    Dinner: ribeye or chuck + pork belly + duck liver sausage + all the veggies stir fry

    Snack: organic free range full fat RBGH-free Greek yogurt with fair trade certified wild crafted cocoa nibs mixed in, with some PBfit added if I’m feeling particularly adventurous

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