Me, 21 female, told my crush 24 male, that his house is filthy, i might sound like the asshole right now but hear me out.
My crush invited me into his house on monday 22nd august, when i came in all i saw were flies, plates, sauce and everything you can imagine all over his floors walls and ceiling. I decided not to point it out at first since he was my friend and i respected his life style. I later on decided to ask him about the flies, he told me that it’s because of a lake near his house and that he couldn’t control them. I told him to just keep the door closed because he had it open 24/7. Later we forgot about this conversation and got on with out jobs until he asked me why house was extremely clean and then had the audacity to say i was a ‘germaphobic, . I got quite offended by this comment and told him that his house is filthy and that’s why im the only friend that comes to his house, he got really mad and kicked me out of his house. We haven’t spoken since even though i tried to reach out to him.
So aita?

  1. He’s gross. You won’t be the last person to tell him that. It’s okay to be observant.

  2. He’s your friend and crush or just a crush? Either way telling someone how dirty his house is after being there would be fine as constructive feedback.

  3. You’re fine! This is a “bad breath” situation imo. If I have bad breath, PLEASE tell me! Some people just don’t react well to it

  4. i told a guy something similar. i tried to be as gentle as possible because his filthy living conditions were due to mental illness. i even cleaned up stuff and reset the space as best as possible (with his permission). however, it just went back to being filthy, so i reiterated that he is living in filth. he kicked me out of his apartment and we haven’t spoken since. is what it is.

  5. You’re not an asshole for telling him his home is dirty, you’re an asshole for being a dick about it.

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