So I recently started liking my bestfriend’s brother 22, but she’s a bit upset cause she felt he’s getting more important to me than her. I told her that she’s my priority, but I just want to give a shot to my relation with her brother.

But, then he’s good to me but he isn’t very emotionally available. He struggles to confront his own emotions, let alone mine. Oh yes, and it’s a long distance relationship so we get to meet once in 3-4 months.

This is my first relationship and I’m not very comfortable with sexual stuff yet. And I need to feel emotionally safe in the space for any physical stuff. He isn’t good at dealing with his own emotions, so he gets upset when I express this concern to him. So, he gave me an option to keep it restricted to friendship, or turn it into a whole relationship.

I don’t feel like friendship make sense when deep down we both got romantic feelings and at the same time relationship doesn’t seem to be working out. We’ve known each other since 1½ year and we decided to get in a relationship last week itself. I’ve got at the options open, but don’t know what to choose.

TL;DR! An online long distance relationship doesn’t seem to be working out within the 1st week because of my need for emotional support holding me back from any physical stuff. And I feel like it’s too late to keep it restricted to friendship only. So, can friendship be restored or can a relationship work out. Or I should let him go?

  1. A new relationship is suppposed to be all fairy dust and rainbows. If your new relationship is not that, better to cut it before it costs you your friend.

  2. Never intentionally get into a relationship where you get to meet the other person once per 4 months. If that happens for understandable real life related reasons in an established relationship, sure, not necessarily a reason to break up, but don’t start one like that.

  3. Personally I’d say let it go. It legitimately all seems too complicated and like it’d all be one big struggle. Relationships are work, yes, but not like this. If it’s meant to be, it will be. If you let it go and the opportunity arises again (albeit in a healthier way), I’d say at that point you should go for it.

    Also…bruh. 🙄 If she’s getting upsetti spaghetti about you wanting to spend time with someone else, maybe she needs to reevaluate HER priorities. Women should be lifting each other up, in all ways.

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