It’s been like 2 weeks and when I met her there I started to talk to her a little bit trying to workout with her etc. etc. I usually know all the people at the gym LOL and she was new… so I tried to play it a bit more ‘safe’ because I don’t know her 🙂 anddd… I have a crush on her.

Now…when I see her I usually like to smile at familiar faces and I do ‘fist bump’ people and she isn’t distant or anything 🙂 she goes along with it and also smiles whenever she seems me, so do I. I don’t stare at her or interrupt her workouts, not a creep or anything just doing my stuff and when we have to use the same machines we do some short talk and that’s it.

I noticed that nobody talked to her, it was only me and the last week when she sees me she kinda ‘waves’ at me but in a shy way 😀 she’s trying to ‘hide’ the waving like not even raising her hand openly.

Sometimes we make eye contact on the treadmill but there is my weak point because im ‘shy’ when im doing cardio (no idea why) and I mostly stare in my phone and I leave.

I don’t know how to proceed, honestly…. its weird experience because its my first time even talking to my crush.

  1. Just start a deeper conversation with her sometime when her workout is complete. If you vibe, ask for her number and text her for a bit then ask her out. If she doesn’t vibe with you, no damage to your reputation was had. Don’t waste time with it though, better to take action asap than have a crush from a distance for months and never say anything.

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