what is the way to achieve a multiple goals like working and learning different things in the same time ?

  1. Time management.

    You can’t spend hours and hours on reddit. You can’t sit around doing bullshit.

    Sometimes, I surprise myself with how much I can get done in a day.

    On a usual day in my home city, I would get up at like 9… just lay there for an hour or two on Reddit… get up… dick around in the bathroom and play games… make breakfast.. and suddenly it’s already noon. Do some work.. jerk off.. and suddenly it’s 8PM.

    When I work out of the country, I am weirdly motivated to do EVERYTHING. I was working in Europe for 6 months and I would literally get up at 8AM… and be up INSTANTLY… dress, eat, and be ready to go by 8:30. Be done with 3 meetings by 10AM, then hop on a train outside the city for a hike. Eat lunch at a new restaurant… go to a coffee shop to finish up work… 4PM I’ll hit the gym… 5PM be done and finish up the rest of my work… 6PM I’d be in a language class or cooking class… 8PM i’ll be at the climbing gym.

    Literally had days like this every day for 6 months straight. Weekends were even more action packed… I would be having lunch in one country, then in another country to meet up with a friend for dinner.

    Suffice to say, I did not have time to sit on Reddit for 5 hours, nor fuck around with phone games for hours and hours.

  2. Manage your time bYou can’t. Multidoing with goals..speciallly those goals that aren’t SMART is hard. What i would suggest is to focus on one goal at a time. If not, make some habit to reach towards in achieving goals. Remember, goals requires consistency, and time… More time. So take it one step at a time.etter. We all

  3. You set aside time to take a step towards the goal of one thing and then a step towards the goal of another thing, etc.

    You sometimes can ‘multitask’ in a sense. If you are waiting for something to finish, like production batch, then you could utilize the ‘downtime’ to do something towards another goal.

    Multitasking is a misnomer though as most people can’t focus on two tasks at once, especially if both require some level of thought.

    Sometimes you are able to do two things at once if they are mutually beneficial. Like giving an interview for uni and if you are able to do that for work as well. Just an example.

  4. Understand there are 24 hours in a day to play with. You gotta work and sleep and do the things that make civilized life possible. So you’ve still got a good 4 or so hours a day to use that we call free time. What are you going to do with them?

  5. Start your own business and hire your friends once it starts to make money.

    You will constantly learn new things as a entrepreneur, from finance to sales to operations to industry knowledge to taxes to employment law to risk management and corporate law to everything in your customer’s industry or business to commercial real estate law to government grant programs and other country/state laws and so on and on and on.

    The when you hire your friends, you can do things like corporate charity fundraising based on whatever hobby/sport you guys like so you could literally train or learn with you fiends and customers that join you and it’s still “work” and helps your business grow. Then you hang out with everyone’s wives/gf’s and kids with your wife/gf and kids because all you do it try to build business together so you learn about everyone’s life.

    Source: this is what I did to balance life and do more than what I should have been able to do with the time I had

  6. Many options:

    1. Choose a career that gives you free time on the side.

    2. Live within your means so you can cut on the work hours.

    3. Get paid to learn. If your workplace offers paid formations, do all of them. If you can get a new job where you learn as you go, do it.

    4. You don’t have to hit every one of your goals every day, weekly objectives do fine. If you can manage to do something 2-3x a week for 10 years, you’ll probably be quite decent at it.

    5. Stack things. If you want to learn rock climbing, go with friends to keep a bit of a social life. Want to learn a language? Try to find a way to make a living in a country where it’s spoken.

  7. Time manage like a motherfucker and a sacrifice social life is almost mandatory for that

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