Recently I (38m) matched with a woman (36f) on a dating app. Chatting is going ok, she explained she isn’t great with texts and I told her that this is fine as I am not good at texting either. We have a lot of things in common and I think there is potential.

She is now going on holiday for 2 weeks (I will be away for a week in the meantime) and I told her that I want to meet her for a casual drink/coffee when she’s back, which she agreed.

I don’t think it is a good idea to text her every day while she is on holiday (we do text almost every day now) but I don’t want to go silent as well. What should I be texting her and how often?

P.S. Before you ask “dude you’re 38, you should know those things”, I recently came out of a 12 year long relationship and I have genuinely forgotten how those things work

  1. I don’t have the answer but I relate. 41f and out of a 14yr relationship. I feel like I have no idea how to do this! Good luck.

  2. Presumably you’ve both had these holidays booked prior to meeting? If so you both may appreciate being able to focus on the holiday, also this would give you both plenty to talk about on the date afterwards!
    I’d ask her though, just to be sure.

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