How has your relationship with makeup changed throughout your life (or not) & why?

  1. In my teens I was obsessed with it because all my friends wore makeup and I felt like I had to wear it as well. At 22 I’ve realized that I don’t need makeup to be pretty because I already look pretty cute without it.

    I don’t think I’ve worn a full face of makeup in 2 years, actually.

  2. Back in middle school & high school, I used to wear it every day because I preferred how I looked with it on.

    I still prefer how I look with it on. But now (mid to late twenties) I no longer wear it, because I believe the entire cosmetic industry is a misogynistic cesspit that preys on women’s insecurities for capitalist gains.

  3. I went through a short phase when I was like 11 where I liked playing around with it but since then I really haven’t been too interested/cared to really wearing it.

    Don’t know if I’ll ever care to wear it bc I touch my face a lot and don’t like the feeling of stuff being on my face but that could change

  4. I think my appreciation for people who do their makeup meticulously well has grown immensely, while the I do my own makeup significantly less. I still do a nice cat eye for special occasions/ to feel fancy, but I rarely wear face makeup at all.

  5. At 16 makeup wasn’t even a thought to me because I went to an all girls high school.

    By college I wore it, but only on really special occasions because I was a student athlete and just didn’t have it in me after practices to do it. I didn’t really care what others thought of me.

    Now, at 26, I’ve figured out exactly how I like to wear it, what products work for me and how it makes me feel confident, and I put it on whenever my heart desires – whether it just be a lazy Sunday at home or going out for the night. It’s fun now 🙂

  6. I started wearing it as soon as my mom allowed me to. Over the years, I’ve just learned to use better products, as well as better application techniques.

  7. In my teen years I thought I needed it – that it made me prettier & made boys notice me. Now I realize I’m pretty without it & can’t be bothered. I probably wear makeup like 5x a year anymore

  8. When I was 2, my mother walked into her bedroom to find me at her dresser with lipstick smeared around my mouth, powder slapped thickly all over my face, and in little piles all over the floor.

    In order to escape punishment, I looked up at her, gave her my sweetest smile, and said, “I love you!” (It worked!)

    I’ve been in love with makeup all my life.

  9. I love it & it allows for creativity. I would say it has become a habit. Less now since I just had a baby, but overall I would do my makeup everyday. Not because I’m self cautious, because I can still go places without makeup, but I did it so much when I use to work in salons that it became a habit at one point. Sadly in cosmetology school they would make us wear makeup & if we didn’t they would call us out on it. I had to defend a girl who didn’t like wearing makeup because of it.

    I also think when I first started wearing it, people would say I was doing it for the boys. In reality I did it for myself. I love dressing up & makeup. When I was a little girl playing dress up obviously I wasn’t doing it for guys attention so why does that change as I got older? So, unlike then I also don’t care what people have to say about me wearing it. My relationship with makeup has made me happier! I think it’s just fun. I love decorating my home, making fashion pieces, & makeup to top it off. It’s fun to me.

  10. I dabbled in highschool. It was the age of lip gloss and bright eyeshadow.

    I’m in my 30s and I don’t wear makeup. I’ll wear a tinted moisturizer and mascara if I have to attend a wedding but that’s about it.

    I’ve just never enjoyed it and I don’t like how it feels on my face. Now that I’m so removed from makeup I don’t like how it looks on me. I would feel weird/uncomfortable if I had to wear a full face.

  11. I barely ever wore makeup. I even kind of scoffed at it🤦‍♀️ It wasn’t until I got to my 30s that I picked it up and really started to enjoy it. It’s fun and I admire the skill of others who are amazing with makeup

  12. i’ve always loved makeup but i used to wear it sort of as a mask. i’d wear a full face every time i left the house and couldn’t stand to look at myself without makeup on. now, i’ll wear a lot of makeup for special occasions and im okay with wearing a little bit or not any most of the time.

  13. It hasn’t really. I always stuck to just eyeliner. I was never into doing a full face. I did try it for a bit, but couldn’t do it anymore. Personally, I love my freckles and hate to cover them up. I can’t wear mascara because I have an eyelash condition.

  14. I dabbled in middle school and high school, but joined the military shortly after graduating from high school and only wore make up for formal occasions for 12 years. I’m out of the military now and still only wear it for weddings and funerals.

    I’m happy with how my face looks. I wash, moisturize, use sun screen and occasionally chap stick. That’s good enough for me!

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