So for a long time I(30s) lost my sex drive. I definitely had it strong in my youth but lost it in my mid 20s. Back during the first summer of lockdown I kinda unlocked something in myself and now I basically self love every day. It’s just shocking to me I suddenly when from zero desires back to my teen peek. Is this just how is Is for some women? To just get it back, and will it stay this time?

  1. It’s absolutely normal, for both men and women sometimes, and the reason the phrase “dirty thirties” was coined.

    It might be hormonal changes, an increase in confidence and self acceptance, learning and knowing yourself and your partner, who knows!

    Will it last? I’m sure it’s different from person to person. Enjoy it, and enjoy yourself

  2. hormones and attitude go a long way. I have more sex drive at 57 than I ever did. Getting my hormones right and finally having the love of my life, I had more sex in the past year than in my previous 56 years combined.

  3. yes, i was severely depressed in my 20s. no longer depressed and i feel like i’m going through puberty again in my 30s lol

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