I’ll go first. That I, the man, am still visible. That my efforts as a father are not in vein, that my shortcomings as a husband are forgiven, and that every once in a while, while I am not looking, someone is still looking admiringly at my wrinkled balding ass. To all the dedicated ghosts in here. I Love You Guys!

Never gotten an award. Thank you, you kind stranger!

  1. Thank you… Your kind words are greatly appreciated.

    I also do wish someone would tell that I am seen, I am appreciated, that my sacrifices are appreciated.

    I just wish someone would have told me that I was loved, truly loved and that I am worthy of being a partner.

  2. I want to hear “We did it. It’s was scary there for a while, but we overthrew capitalism and managed to form a stable democratic system based on study and evidence that benefits everyone as much as it benefits any one.”

  3. Tomorrow’s lottery numbers, the secret to time travel, or how to make my dog immortal.

    Impossible things aside – I’m actually okay. Life is life. I’m at a good place with it. I’m a bit worried that my interest in the outside world is kind of low, and I’m too fat. But I have a family (supportive girlfriend and a good dog, plus a puppy that’s only a nightmare half the time), and my weight is still lower than it was 10 years ago.

  4. I’ll take a fist bump, pat on the back, non sarcastic smile and finger gun with one hand.

    No need to be told anything.

  5. “Wake up, wake up! It’s OK! You were having a nightmare.”
    “Whuh…whuh…what day is it?”
    “It’s Saturday. Saturday morning.”
    “No, no, no, I mean what *year* is it?!”
    “What *year**?!*”
    “Dammit, *WHAT YEAR IS IT?*”
    “Calm down! It’s 1986, of course.”

  6. Any of a number of things. That I’m a good father, or husband. That I can take a break. That they’re going to keep their word.

  7. Reassurance, sometimes — at least in the professional world.

    I came into my last 2 jobs with a good understanding of what I would be doing with the ability to build upon my past skillsets.

    Now after department downsizing, a promotion and now a complete change in position, I feel like I’ve got imposters syndrome where I spend half my day trying to figure out the best way to actually do my job, and half the times, I’m not even sure if I’m doing it right. But… I guess my Boss is happy?

  8. What I’ll regret on my deathbed… And that the assholes in my life got their karma. Leave it better than I found it, ya know?

  9. I wish someone would tell me that my musicianship is improving. It’s a hard road with little reward in the early stages. Just gotta keep practicing.

  10. To be honest it would be nice to pick up a paper or watch a tv piece on the lines of “Hey. Most men are OK and it’s nice having them around. We love you” Just once.

  11. It would be great if somebody would recognize my better fitness and weight loss. I lost some weight over the last year and gained some muscles but I feel the only one who sees it is me. And right now I often think that it is all in my head and I look the same as unfit me in 2020… :/

  12. I’d like to know what I’m doing wrong.

    Is the way I wear my hair putting people off?

    Do I have some kind of speech habit that makes others not want to continue conversations with me?

    How do I come across in general?

    People are generally conflict averse, and don’t like to tell each other these things. I don’t. And I’ve seen people go most of their lives with some sort of repellent habit, and it gets between them and what they want. But nobody tells them.

  13. I (m30 ) was legit never told that i look nice by anyone outside of my Family and the only compliment i ever got was like 12 years ago when a random stranger girl on Facebook said i have nice eyes.

  14. That I’m attractive and desirable.

    The sad thing is I think I’d struggle to believe that, I’d need to be consistently told that and have it demonstrated. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had someone seem to feel that way about me, so I’m in a really weird place right now – I’ve lost a lot of weight and improved my fitness, so I feel better about my body than I have done in at least 10 years, but because I don’t have any feedback about it, I still have no sense of myself as being an attractive, desirable or sexual person. It literally feels like an utterly foreign concept to me.

  15. That it’s okay to show my emotions and be unstable at times. I’m tired of always being “the rock”.

  16. the world is so much fake. nothing is serious. professionalism is a joke. professional advise is a lie. licensure is nothing. think about anything yourself before looking at the general opinion.

    its totally okay for someone to give you or not give you something. its some garbage reason anyway.

    just pretend you can do it and you will get anything. fake it until make it.

  17. Sometimes I just wish someone would give me a hug and tell me everything is going to be alright

    Everyone goes through tough periods in their life.

    I am dealing with a lot at the moment and I am dealing with it pretty much on my own. It would be nice if someone would tell me that they believed in me and that I can get through this and then just give me a good hug

    So many people in this world just need some affirmation in their lives and I feel like we as a people don’t do that enough for the people we care about

  18. that’s it ok as a man to complain bout sumthing. I try not to complain as much, n just find solutions.

  19. That I matter and that I fit in somewhere. I’ve always had this feeling with the people in my live and the groups of which I’m involved that I don’t really fit in. I’ve always kind of felt like I’m just tolerated and not particularly liked or that my presence is appreciated or desired. Outside of my parents and girlfriend I’ve always felt the relationships in my life have alway been very superficial. Admittedly I’m fairly introverted and don’t open up easily so I suppose a lot of it probably is my own fault.

  20. I wish someone (in the actual know) would tell me if the tic-tacs are actually UFO’s or our own experimental craft.


    Because that is the burning question that fuels my existence today.

  21. “You’re not alone. We also don’t know what is to be loved, and it hurts”. That’s what I would like to hear and then cry..

  22. That me being alive or not truly matters to them, on a deeper level.

    If I died tomorrow people would see it as an inconvenience.

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