I have been married for 15 years. And we are doing well after many ups and downs. But I have been thinking of ways to spend time with each other outside of food, sex, and tv.

I guess I blocked it out till now because my first relationship ended in pure horror for me. But I just remembered that we used to read to each before bed, and it was awesome. We read the first 3 or 4 Harry Potter books to each other. Taking turns each night. I was just wondering, do any other couples out there read to each other?

  1. Yes, I’ve done that with a partner and it’s nice. You could also take a new hobby together like dancing, archery, a craft or go to the theatre on occasion.

  2. We’ve done that. I think it works well if you enjoy the same genres. My current partner and I tend to read articles around politics or science to each other. We don’t really enjoy the same books.

    Also, we play cribbage and dominoes. Especially on Friday night…a few drinks, some music, and a game out in the front porch or garage when the weather is nice and at our kitchen table in the winter.

    We also enjoy walking after dinner. I walk the dog a few times per day but it’s nice when we can go together sometimes.

    We like to fly fish as well but sometimes we just take the drift boat out and float the river. It’s very pleasant. You can rent a canoe or kayaks…

    Good luck!

  3. I read her memes, and random ask Reddit posts sometimes. But I don’t read her books unless I find something profound.

  4. This isn’t exactly what you’re describing, but my wife is pregnant and I read a children’s book to the baby (her tummy) every night before bed.

    I like your idea of reading books together though, and I think I’ll suggest that too. We have similar interests when it comes to reading so it seems like it would work well.

    As far as other things we do together- we enjoy long walks (1-3 miles), doing home improvement projects, cooking dinner, trying new restaurants, going shopping, and game nights with friends.

    I’ve found that watching tv doesn’t result in quality time together, so we try to limit it a bit (no tv in the bedroom, only one episode of a show per night) or by combining it with another activity, like watching tv while she’s on the treadmill and I use the elliptical.

  5. I read to my wife, it’s something we both enjoy. Grab a blanket, book, baby, head to the park. The baby likes being read to as well, though he cannot understand anything yet. I think he likes the cadence of reading.

    I’m be careful about book selection, and be responsive to requests to change the book.

    Currently reading East of Eden.

  6. I’m a Harry Potter fan but my fiance never read it. He only likes audiobooks but said since we’re together he can’t find time to listen to them. Wanting him to know the wonders of HP I oferred to read it to him as a way to spend time together. Took us 1.5 years but we got through all the 7 books. We’ve had a break from reading for the past few months but we’ve just picked it up with a new book from my fave crime story author.

  7. I have asked my husband to read to me, but he hates doing it and can only manage about a page 😢

  8. Yep. Was just reading my partner some Charles Bukowski night before last.

    She was unfamiliar, and I warned her. She likes his writing tho. 🙂

  9. Nope but my wife and I do read books together. I am an avid reader and read all the time and I’ll read books with her too. We’ll take turns picking the title, we’ll get 2 copies, one for each of us to read and then we’ll read it and talk it over.

  10. I very highly suggest reading spicy books with each other or even listening to them on audiobook together. They have all types of genres, so you can find something that works for both and it really opens the door for conversations and exploration. Think of an adult time Harry Potter.

  11. My fiancé and I read to each other too and it’s great. Sometimes we take a picnic hike out somewhere too, and either read or not while outdoors depending how hot / cold it is.

    We’ll also read the same book so we can discuss after. Love it. It’s wonderful having a partner that likes to read and can chat about it.

  12. Yes!! I do this with my fiance, i love it so much, it’s just such a beautiful and romantic moment.

  13. The coolest thing my ex husband ever did was read me Rhe Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

  14. My brother’s wife read all of Harry Potter to him when they were dating. Idk if she still reads to him. He’s visually impaired, not quite blind, but his eyes shake back and forth (nystagmus) and he struggles a lot and has trouble reading. I always thought it was cute that she read to him.

  15. Yes! My wife and I have a bunch of comfort reads like old fantasy series we both like that we read when we’re tired of screens and want to sit outside relaxing. Honestly it mostly ends up being me reading while my wife chillaxes but I love reading out loud and she loves listening to me so it works out pretty well.

    We’re currently making our way through The Chronicles of Narnia and reminiscing about when we both read it as kids.

  16. When my wife was pregnant she was having a horrible time sleeping, and part of it was her sleep hygiene. She was uncomfortable and couldn’t sleep so she’d be on her phone which just made the problem worse. I started reading to her before bed to distract her in a way that would require her to put her phone down, and continued through the first couple of months after baby arrived to help soothe them both to sleep. Now that we’ve got a better routine down, i’ve stopped for the time being.

  17. I do this for my boyfriend and he does it for me. When I’m feeling down, I ask if he can tell me a story or a poem. I also do it in return if he also wants one. I enjoy listening to his voice so I try and get him to read a lot.

  18. My best friend and I used to read entire series to each other, taking turns by chapter. We especially liked the Harry Potter and Honor Harrington series.

  19. Yes, it was so nice when my gf would read long news articles to me. I forgot we did that. I think it’s a great way to spend time together.

  20. yes!! my girlfriend read the princess bride to me and then we watched the movie as part of an anniversary celebration

    now we’re discussing what books we should together next :)) it’s amazing and so worth it

  21. My ex boyfriend and I read A Sicilian Romance by Ann Radcliffe together. Probably the best part of that relationship honestly!

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