hello everyone,

Me and my gf just started officially dating, we go to school together and always hangout. I have an ex and she does too, and both of our exes mentally abused us, giving us something that really connected us together and built a great bond. Her ex goes to our school and so does mine but mine is very quiet and out the way, while her ex is everywhere. Today as me and my gf were talking alone, her ex literally came up to both of us and barked in her face, literally just barked. Im really confused of what to make of it… are they secretly talking without me knowing? Am i some sort of rebound maybe… i dont believe so… its really confusing, honestly i just want to be happy but its hard with her ex always in the way and stuff.

  1. Very very doubtful they are talking. That’s the sort of behaviour an abusive ex would do, which you know he was. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

    But if I were her, that would freak me out. Maybe check how she’s holding up.

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